Showing posts with label Norway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Norway. Show all posts

Saturday, March 08, 2025

LILIEDUGG - Neonråte EP 1981

Liliedugg was formed in Trondheim 1980 and on their debut EP they consisted of Lars (vocals), Gunnar & Steinar (guitars), Torgeir (bass), Lard (drums). They released this infamous EP in 1981 and a full length two years later. The first version of this beauty came with a pornographic cover. The bands distributor refused to carry it and sell it. The band caved in and printed up a more neutral cover. The neutral cover is considered the most rare version as it was only sold in a few stores and the band continued to sell the pornographic version at their gigs. Liliedugg was known for outrageous stage performances with a mix of Punk and Hardrock and from the EP to their only full-length album their music went in a darker and more experimental direction. Lyrically, the focus was then more on English lyrics. Subsequent releases include a split LP with Wannskrækk and a split 7Inch with Helter Skelter, as well as several songs on Compilations. 1984 they broke up, but they continued to play a reunion concert once in a while. In 2006 they reformed as a band. In 2007 they released a discography CD called Sannhetens Voktere. In November 2006, Liliedugg & Wannskrækk played a reunion concert at UFFA. Since then they occasionally performed reunion concerts and finally made a mini-CD Slow Atomic Bomb in 2007. Enjoy four exceptional tracks from an interesting band that only managed to make the leap to other Norwegian heroes to a limited extent; a great EP in any case.

Sunday, July 02, 2023

V/A - Molde Punx Go Marching Out 2LP 2020

Fantastic re-release of this awesome tape which was originally released on Anathema Records in 1983 and how many of these were distributed is not ascertainable. It was time for a re-issue, and it's lovingly made by Cease Fire! in various limited versions. This double album features early Eighties bands from the small Norwegian town of Molde and some made it onto vinyl, others didn't even exist for four or five years. You can imagine what time and work such a project entails, and it was worth all the effort: the rough sound, the hearty music and the extensive booklet go hand in hand and make this a historical audio document of Norwegian subculture. Probably sold out long ago, but if you have the opportunity to get in touch with a copy, buy it... it's worth every penny! Strong Release!

1.Staten - NEVROSE
2.Tvilsom Frihet - NEVROSE
3.Byens Fine Fruer - LYDMYR
4.Rundbrenner - LYDMYR
5.Klaus - LYDMYR
6.Passa Ikkje Inn - LYDMYR
7.Sahara - LYDMYR
8.Naken Kropp - MAKK
9.Systemet - MAKK
10.Framtida Di - PARANOIA
11.En Ny Dag - PARANOIA
12.Kaos - PARANOIA
13.For Seint - STYGGE FØT
14.Kutt Ut - STYGGE FØT
15.Tørre Hjerner - STYGGE FØT
16.Jobboman - STYGGE FØT
17.Mannen Med Ljåen - STYGGE FØT
18.Teite Individa - STYGGE FØT
19.Intro/Slappist - STYGGE FØT
20.I Kongens Navn - STYGGE FØT
21.Alternativ Jobb - STYGGE FØT
22.Systemet Med Kompleksa - STYGGE FØT
23.Pog På Nazistan - STYGGE FØT
24.Søken - RAD D
29.Vil Det Aldri Ta Slutt - FORBUDT UNGDOM
30.Stilla - SKABB
31.Purken - SKABB
32.Karaktera - SKABB
33.Idolene Er Borte - PERMAFROST
34.Tør Ikke Tilstå - PERMAFROST
37.Dina Mina - PERMAFROST
38.Dame I Sort - PERMAFROST
39.Huset Vårt - PSYKISK TERROR
40.Politikk - PSYKISK TERROR
43.Religiona - PSYKISK TERROR
44.Øresus - ANFALL
45.Sinnsyk - ANFALL
47.Tvangsinnlagt - ANFALL
48.Ung Og Kriminell - ANFALL
49.Bak Låste Dører - BANNLYST
50.Ingen Framtid - BANNLYST
51.Kjemp Du! - BANNLYST
52.Krav - BANNLYST
53.Liv & Død - BANNLYST
54.Spillets Regla - BANNLYST
55.Ukjentes Grav - BANNLYST
56.Gi Faen I Oss - PIGGTRÅD
57.Sitter Her Aleine - PIGGTRÅD
58.Tog Kø - R.A.D.

- Great Thx to Fredrik -

Saturday, June 03, 2023

V/A - Blitz Hits 2LP 1989

An interesting Compilation with bands connected to the Blitz culture centre in Oslo. Sides A & B are Punk/Hardcore dominated, side C is mostly experimental and side D features female artists. I would say thoroughly listenable and a decent audio document of the Norwegian underground culture which had a lot of good protagonists and was/is very diverse. The cover design is also worth seeing, and a 12-page special edition of the "Smørsyra" newspaper is included but I didn't scan it. This album present almost ninety minutes of varied songs that offers space for new and well-tried, and reveal music that doesn't fit into a drawer. Enough now, because the big day is today, there's still time for a vinyl rip and then off to the buddy.

1.Velstandsnorge/Atle - Ø.B.K.
2.Willy Er Et Svin - VILLSVIN
3.Today's World - DISORDER
4.Bad Guy Reaction - FIRE FÆLE FYRER
5.Violence And Pain - DAGGERS
7.Fuzz Brain - T-ZERS
8.Fredløs - DATA MORGANA
10.Warmachine - WITHIN RANGE
11.Ett Rom, En Seng - STENGTE DØRER
12.Murphy's Law - HJERTERÅTT
13.Today's Situation - BLACK & DECKER
14.You And Me - BEHIND BARS
15.Odd To The World - LIFE BUT HOW TO LIVE IT
16.Alle De Andre Dagene - SO MUCH HATE
17.Severin Slurpen - JUNKFOOD SOCIETY
18.Bent Laws - T.H.C.
19.Monty's Double - TREMULATORS
20.N.Y. Will Never Do It - NEMLIG HEMLIG
21.Fanden På Veggen - BØYEN BENG
22.My Life Is My Game - SEPTIQUE
23.Svarte Fugler - YM-STAMMEN
24.Messed Up - ASOD DVI
25.Love The Ones You're With - GAIA
26.Sweet Nothing - FAT MOLLY
27.Sweet Horror - KARIN WRIGHT
28.Heartbreak Hotel - ANE
29.Crazy Man's Toy - PRETTY & THE TENDERS
30.Veien Fra Dæ - LIBIDO LINK

Monday, May 15, 2023

ANGOR WAT - General Strike 1985

Now a record which I posted in my former Blog many years ago and I must unpacked the slab today because this fucking Monday forced me, to let my vibes out. Angor Wat started in 1981 and went for first six months under the name Dimensjon S. The line-up was Erik (vocals), Asbjørn (guitars), Håvard (bass) and Jens-Petter (drums). Tiller was the only one with previous band experience as bassist in Wannskrækk. The band then also did their debut concert together with Wannskrækk, who at the time were Trondheim's famous combo. In 1983 Viggo also joined on guitar and the following year they released a split cassette with Molde Hardcore's Bannlyst which was then licensed and released in several countries. In 1985 Erik left and Håv took over the vocals while Asbjørn went back to bass. This line-up released their only album General Strike at the English Children Of The Revolution Records and toured Denmark and England in addition to Norway. After this, Tiller & Houen left the band to start their own Transsiberian Hijackers. Jens-Peter and Viggo made some recordings on their own, including for the Compilations Party Terror Vol.1 and Tsjernobilly Boogie. Since then, Guttorm (guitar), Olav (bass) and Baard (vocals) were engaged as new members. This crew made some recordings in 1987 which can be found on the Rest In Pieces cassette. A title that also suggested that the end was near. Angor Wat disbanded in 1988, but resurrected as Israelvis later that year. - Thirteen fast and rough treats are on this album to brighten up a long hard day's work!

Friday, December 30, 2022

NORSKE GUTTER - Hvem Faaen Tror Du Du Er? 7'' 1980

Norske Gutter (Norwegian Boys) was a five piece and part of Oslo's underground scene in the Eighites and early Nineties. They played a solid mixture of Punk, Pop and Rock and their lyrics, which were in Norwegian, often had explicit content. The line up consisted of Stein (vocals), Johnny Yen (synth/piano/organ/vocals), Ståle (guitar), Ole (bass), Tom (drums) and they released in their lifespan four 7Inches on various labels. A bit info: The single's packaging and content were of a kind that the Kingdom of Norway had never seen before: nationally romantic motifs were homoerotically parodied on the cover, and the lyrics horrified puritans of all stripes. With the next release, "Madam Arthur"/"Jenny Jenny", a kick against double standards, and the third, "Gud Signe"/"Dans" (led to accusations of insulting majesty), playing live became increasingly less likely. But it was not due to a lack of musicality or pop quality, because the music critics praised the band, and the public bought the records - the first single's circulation of 1600 was e.g. sold out. After many years of silence, a new line-up was crafted in 1992, and the single "I Am The Eggman" came out, but without the same uproar that previous releases caused as far as the content was concerned. But the group's composition attracted a lot of attention in the press and the record also became Norske Gutter's biggest success in terms of sales, with around 2500 copies sold. (source: Norsk Pop & Rockleksikon) - Rarely represented on Compilations but on the first Anarki & Kaos: Norsk Punk 1979-1981 they were rightly included. Done, the last Friday post in 2022

Saturday, December 24, 2022

OPPSLUTNING - Demos 1981-1982 [2010]

This interesting record is the demo recording from January 1982 by Oppslutning from Stavanger and it comes out at the beginning of the same year as self-released tape I guess. The band was formed of two disbanded bands Kortslutning and Oppspist (hence the name) and consisted of Jan (vocals), Erik (guitars), Otto (bass), Jone (drums) and didn't create anything on vinyl during their active time. Stavanger-Mandal International Records has remastered the piece and put fourteen cute chocolates on it, provided with a DIN-A insert (but only in Norwegian) and thus conjured up a worthy album of the four. Came in an edition of 300 hand numbered copies. Oppslutning have appeared on almost every Hurra For Norge compilation, Svindel Records' superb series released in the early 2000's. The sound is a bit old & simple and crackles almost monotonously, but the mastering of the moderate Oi!/Punk goodies was it worth and after twenty minutes the last groove is played.

- Great Thx to Fredrik -

Monday, September 12, 2022

V/A - Bloodstains Across Norway 1997

Welcome to another nugget from my Bloodstains collection with twenty-four great rare blasts from Northern Europe: Norway. A fine country for a relaxing holiday with lots of hills forests and lakes and only very few people living in the countryside. I certainly don't have to tell you more about the bands, because those who know the series know what's inside: superb stuff whose originals are priceless and that's exactly why such slabs were born and the boom of those brilliant records has now died and even these releases are hard to come by nowadays. And with that I say goodbye to my well-deserved vacation. Stay decent and I hope you don't get any withdrawal symptoms. 😎

2.Superstjerne - AKUTT INNLEGGELSE
3.Pop Star - BØRRES KORK
4.Nekt Blankt - AKUTT-80
5.Hva Skal Vi Si - DE SJENERTE
6.Pond - DE PRESS
7.Full Kontroll - FEBER
8.Kill The Disco - JOHNNY YEN BANG!
10.Marching Robots - JOHNNY YEN BANG!
11.Nordens Paris - NORGEZ BANK
12.Blå Heder - WANNSKRÆKK
13.Hva Fæn - 1984
14.Hurra For Norge - Z-OFF
15.Du Er En Dritt - ROUGH TRADE
16.Play With Fire - ROUGH TRADE
17.Diggin' TV - ROUGH TRADE
18.Hakekors - KAARE OG PARTIET
19.Takk Hold Kjeft - OVERDOSE
20.Blå Hun - OVERDOSE
21.Sjølmordskomplekser - ØRESUS
22.Bomba E Klar - ANFALL
23.T.V. - ANFALL
24.Stressa - ANFALL

Monday, August 29, 2022

V/A - Powerpearls Vol.5 1999

It's Monday and time to put worries and anger aside with one more compilation of the great Powerpearls series. Volume 5 travels again to worth seeing places on our beautiful, colorful world to collect rare songs and carry out his mission accordingly and the name speaks for itself. I would say a little more than half are familiar and the rest convinces me as well and it's always a pleasure, to rip such fantastic records, and if you are looking for a hobby, take this one.

1.Yesterday's Love - ANY TROUBLE
2.Fel - DAGEN D
3.Black & White - WINDBREAKERS
4.9 O'Clock - SNIPS
5.Over & Over - THE ZIPS
6.On The Street - TIME WASTERS
7.Stop Dreaming - DIVISION 4
8.Spare Rib - THE ODDS
9.Wastod Ar Y Tu Fas - Y TRWYNAU COCH
11.Bad Boy - ROTJOCH
12.Ruby Toot - THE VANDELLS
13.Boyfriend - BOYFRIENDS
14.Big Burden - YOUNG LORDS
15.Get The Kids Jumpin' - THE JETBOYS
16.Tu Ne Parles Pas - BIKINI
17.Jag Ar Inte Kär - HEARTBREAK
18.Ride Cowboy Ride - THE REGENTS

Saturday, June 25, 2022

SO MUCH HATE - How We Feel 1987

All right Friends, today there's no fucking, today I rip great stuff and the next record is the debut by Oslo's So Much Hate on X-Port Plater and the band name alone is alluring to me like a sweetie with slim legs in Nylons and just as sharp and energetic are the sixteen Hardcore/Punk goodies that make it onto this record. No trace of cheap clichés, on the contrary, it is blown into a furious attack on your musculoskeletal system that demands mercy, but you can't help it. You're floating in a bubble of aggression and anger and want to let everything out. Do It! Because you know there's no other way, but beware! This album is not suitable for long-haired hippies. The sun shines and it's a feast at the Opernplatz and I wanna see what's going on there, meet me again tomorrow.

Monday, May 23, 2022

ØRESUS - Ansikt Til Ansikt 1983

Øresus was a Punk/New Wave band from Skien and existed between 1979 and 1983. The band started under the name Mikey Mads Band and released two 7Inches and one album (Uncle Remus Records) during their lifetime. Øresus consisted of Jan Ove Lorentzen (vocals/guitar), Pål Lillefjære (guitar), Frode Wara (bass) and Ragnar Køhn (drums)Galt Et Sted was the great debut 7Inch on Øreplater, followed by the second one Mannen I Badekaret in 1982 before the album came out in 1983. All were released on the band's own record label. Musically, the band developed from ska-inspired Punk via more aggressive sound to gloomy new wave inspired by Joy Division. They disbanded in the summer of 1983 when Lorentzen moved to Bergen, where he was part of the Radio Phantoms. The rest of the members have all been in several bands, Frode has played in Electric Gangsters, Fructdrops, Tracemen, Svarte Faen, and Ragnar in Paal & Paal Band. Øresus is one of very few bands from the period that has a reunion and plays concerts here and then. Ansikt Til Ansikt has ten catchy powerful candies that come across amazingly professional. Nice Record!

Thursday, April 07, 2022

V/A - Powerpearls Vol.4 1999

You certainly weren't waiting for this compi, because it's no longer a rarity in Blogland, but I almost forgot that I have a few of my own rips from this great Powerpearls series, which I wouldn't want to withhold from you. Part IV is again full with rarities of the years 1977-1981 from around planet earth and as always, the bar is set decently high because the originals are as rare as snow in July (North & South Pole area not considered). What should I write next? It's great, that are people who probably have enormous costs associated with such projects and share their collection with us mortal music freaks and therefore have the will and consistency to implement this, pull it through and let us be part of this undiscovered music & bands. I take my hat off and I share a beer or two with those, cheers! Song selection is superb and I'm going off to the weekend and look what comes next.

2.Playing Bogart - 23 JEWELS
3.Your I's Are Too Close Together - THE ELEVATORS
4.Downtown - CUBAN HEELS
5.Isolation - THE FINGERS
6.That's Just...Someone That I Knew - THE SINGLES
7.Living In The 80's - BLUE PETER
8.Ett Gevär I Min Hand - DIESTINCT
9.One Way Love - THE INNOCENTS
10.I Don't Wanna Cry - THE KEYS
11.Do Dead People Tan? - X-CONZ
12.Geneva Street - GENEVA
13.Ice Age - BABIJ JAR
14.Gimme Cigarettes - CIGARETTES
15.Won't You Be My Girl - VICE CREEMS
16.X-Ray Proofed - PRINCES OF PEACE
17.Takeaway Love - THE RESISTORS
18.You're A Hit - STRATE JACKET

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

BANNLYST - Diskografi 2011

Solid release by Berlin based label Norwegian Leather and this awesome compilation features all their vinyl recordings (we're talking about Bannlyst I should maybe mention, a cool trash Hardcore combo from Molde & Oslo, existed between 1982-1985 and consisted of Finn (vocals), Børre (guitars), Per (bass), Thomas (drums) and some members later went on to play in So Much Hate and Stengte Dører, among other bands. Twenty four goodies in total with a good dose of metal and some pop sensibilities, carefully remastered from the original tapes and vinyl as all the master tapes have been lost over the years and I think they've done very well and it's nice to be able to enjoy those long lost nuggets again, from one of the best hardcore bands from this country. A blast from the past!

- Great Thx to Fredrik -

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

FEBER - s/t EP 1981

Quite late already, and tomorrow morning I'll sure look like a tired cauliflower.... fuck it! Today's vibes come from Feber, a short-lived five piece and I guess, the boys were from Oslo. For sure is, they consisted of Gunnar (vocals), Hugo (guitars), Egon (bass), Kjell (keys), Per (drums). Only release is this 7Inch on Tempererte Plater and features four simple stomper, not really something special and I know better stuff/bands from this country, but somehow, the slab was lying around and looking at me pleadingly. Not much is known about Feber and I don't want to search for. They were definitely honored on some relevant Compilations which are a must for every KBD friend. And now I cuddle with my Teddy, good night!

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

THEATRE OF TRAGEDY - Velvet Darkness They Fear 1996

This post would certainly not coming now, but one of my ex-girlfriends introduce me to them at the end of the nineties in form of a tape sampler with two songs on it and after the separation I bought this CD twenty-five years ago. Suitable for the weather, suitable for smoldering in nostalgia, suitable for cuddling; music from Scandinavia!

Theatre Of Tragedy consisting of Liv (soprano vocals), Raymond (vocals), Geir & Tommy (guitars) , Eirik (bass), Hein (drums), Lorentz (piano & synthesizer), and was a combo from Stavanger, originally assembled in 1993 and active until 2010. They started out as a doom and death metal band before becoming more of a Gothic rock band. Velvet Darkness They Fear is their second one, released via Massacre Records, and continued the bands particular brand of this style. Their sound is particularly defined by alternating and occasionally overlapping male death grunts with spherical female vocals, and this combination, which was copied later by many metal/alternative bands, is generally known as 'Beauty & The Beast'. Singer Raymond Rohonyis continues his early modern English lyrics in the nine songs. "Der Tanz Der Schatten", which is written in German, is the exception. The songs themselves rarely have a clear story, but death, undeath, demons and similar supernatural elements are all in the foreground. The lyrics to the songs are referred to in the sleeve notes as "pieces", "poems" and a "self-talk", depending on the roles the singers play. "The record is an impressive collection of beautifully crafted anthems, but at the same time are leaner, punchier, more melodic and emotional. The result is an album that is much more accessible, memorable and enjoyable than its predecessor, which is why many consider it the high point of the band’s career. The band’s line-up is largely unchanged relative to the debut album.... interesting band anyway, that can combine feelings and music in such a way that wild beasts are transformed into tame puppies and made a beautiful chapter in the history of dark heavy music."

A real masterpiece and definitely one of the best albums in this genre. TOP!!!

Monday, May 10, 2021

ISCHJAZZ - La Kælven Leve 7'' 1981

Unfortunately only a draw yesterday and now it's going to be difficult if the SGE wants to play the Champions League, damn... nun, warten wir's ab, noch zwei Spiele und sehen welche Liga es anschließend wird. Continue with good news: It gets less on the Wanted-List and today with the second and last 7Inch by this four piece from Drangedal on Maza Records and they recorded two more difficult to classify songs. Not punk or Powerpop so remains New Wave, and I think this genre fits best into it, drawer or not. I think, they are a bit different on the way as on the debut Nyføtt, which is more powerful and I almost think the four didn't want to do dirty, snotty punkrock the way it was also created in Norway in the early eighties, and we all know Punk is emotional, colorful, versatile, impulsive, flexible, different... I guess they implemented that with their music, and back then many played fast, aggressive and loud and we like it so. Well, fact is: Ischjazz have a preference for country life; is an interesting band that immortalized music of a special kind with their both slabs for the upcoming generations; are not a warm stale beer.

- Great Thx to Reinhard -

Saturday, April 24, 2021

V/A - Hurra For Norge #4 2008

Uncooked, wild, partly unpublished, rough and excellent material also offers the fourth outpouring from Svindel Records, whose mini-series Hurra For Norge takes us deeply into the fantastic Norwegian subculture and shows its diversity with thirty-four blasts from the period 1978-1988The sound is variable as usual and many bands never saw the inside of a studio, several of the recordings are from live gigs and from rehearsal rooms, but in a good sound quality, I would say. Definitely interesting for all collectors and punkers who like the rare and rough, and those who like to discover new stuff. So friends, that's it for today. I slowly tune myself for the upcoming important match ⚽ against Leverkusen.

3Problembarn - PINK DIRT
4.Norge/Avskum - ØBK
6.Fullt Hus - KJØTT
7.Liv Og Død - BANNLYST
8.Borgerjævler - KONGELIGE RÆVER
9.Fikser Du Livet Ditt - OSLO BØRS
10.Stikk Av Eddie - FLIMMER TWINS
11.Tro, Håp Og Kjærlighet - KAFKA PROSESS
12.Fjøringane - DET PENE BÆN
13.Galehus - PVC
15.Nei Til Utbygging Av Alta - STROYERS
16.Alternative Norge - ALTERNATIVE NORGE
17.Ka Tror Du E - KVIIIN
18.Coca Cola Boy - ICE CREAM BAND
19.Dine Problemer - DATAKLUSS
20.Purkelåta - MUGGEN GRANITT
22.Pløy Skole Gården - TÅM BOX
23.Gud Bevare Oss For Albert - NAKKESKUDD
24.Hellige Natt - KRIM U
25.Warzawa - WANNSKRÆKK
26.Problembarn - FORSIKTIG
27.I Dont Want Your Love - FRONT PAGE
29.Kæm Lagd Loven (?) - ANGOR WAT
30.Hva Skal Vi Si? - DE SJENERTE
31.Feit Federal Purk? - GRAXELAGET
32.Østavind - DE PRESS
33.Så Leit - HÆRVERK
34.Hurra For Norge - Z-OFF

Friday, March 12, 2021

TURBONEGRO - I Got Erection 7'' 1995

I wanna start the weekend with a single from a band, I guess, that everyone of you knows and "I Got Erection" is their seventh 7Inch (three different versions exist) from the fantastic Ass Cobra album, and a real cracker. 💣💥💣 Short info at this point: Turbonegro came together as a band in Oslo and started around Christmas 1988. Always surrounded by scandal and controversy, they have broken up, retired and changed members several times. They combines glam, punk and hard rock into a self-described "Deathpunk" musical style. Turbonegro's lyrics often attack political correctness. Their genre of punk has been self-described as deathpunk. The band has stated that their music superseded existing genres, so they dubbed it "Deathpunk" as a way to avoid being pigeonholed into musical groupings they felt they were above. Lyrics referencing the genre choice include "gimme deathpunk baby, and I like it" from the song "Get It On". Sharing characteristics with certain musical predecessors, (Sex Pistols wearing swastikas, etc.), Turbonegro has been praised by some as playing the most up-to-date form of punk with an anarchic blend of humour, shock and sexuality. 💥💣💥 The B-side of this single, Jeg Will Bli Som Jesus, is a Norwegian New Wave classic (originally by Kjøtt), sung by Eugene Chadbourne in 'phonetic' Norwegian. The band is still alive and on tour worldwide.

Saturday, October 03, 2020

ISCHJAZZ - Nyføtt EP 1980

The SGE soccer game against Hoffenheim is about to come, a real top game and I come along with the next Wanted-List post from Norway, a band from the Grenland area, and they made two 7Inches and the band consisted of Tom (vocals & guitars), Bulle (guitars), Svein (bass), Håkon (drums) and I can't tell you exactly why I put them on the list but I discovered their 7inches somewhere in the net and I thought this is a band that I have to focus on. This is their first EP on Bruske Plater with three awesome goodies and I can't do more than praise them für diese grandiose EP die drei famose Songs beinhaltet und ich weiß ihr werdet sie genauso lieben wie ich.... and I will continue to run this blog in my native language. Fuck English! The band can be found on Anarki & Kaos #2 and weitere compilation Beiträge sind mir nicht bekannt. The second EP is welcome, bring it on!!

  Great Thx to Stefan -

Saturday, September 05, 2020

V/A - It's Your Choice [Unreleased Live Material From The Your Choice Live Series] 2x10'' 1991

Weil heute so ein scheiß' Wetter ist bekommt ihr einen Nachschlag, two 10 inches, all songs live and I'm sure you've all heard or downloaded a record of the Your Choice Live Series before, and if not, the uncle won't let you die stupid. The series began in the late 80s, lasted until the mid 90s and the last effort was in 2002 and since then is Schicht. The plates were mainly characterized by the very good recordings and brought rather more unknown bands a platform on which they could show what they can (mostly fast & loud)As you can read, these are songs that didn't make it onto the regular albums, including some covers and other specialties. A total of thirty-five records were published, two of them on the blog. Das war's für heute, now I'm making myself comfortable and touring France, Salut!

1.Bankrobber - SO MUCH HATE
2.Passing Through - LIFE, BUT HOW TO LIVE IT?
4.It Doesn't Make It Allright - VERBAL ASSAULT
5.Overload - RIPCORD
7.Lingköpping - RAPED TEENAGERS
8.Generation '68 - PULLERMANN
9.I've Got My Role To Play - PULLERMAN
10.Shut Up - ARM
12.Il Mio Dolore - KINA
13.Sale Dal Buio - KINA
14.A No Money Down - SCREAM
15.Re-Pulsion - NONOYESNO
16.It's Shoved - MELVINS

- Special Thx to Fredrik -