Let's go a bit exotic with the first release by the Monitor label and it's a decent mix of Punk and Oi! bands and the label selected the best "pieces" at that time from the Czech region to begin with. Well, for my taste it takes a little getting used to, because the quality is different than what I am used to, and sometimes a bit tiring. There are some reviews you can read for yourself and there are also cool songs on this Compilation and it certainly has a firm place in the history of Czechoslovak subculture, but somehow I miss the WOW! effect and after the slab's over, it's good too. Anyway, put on the music and absolutely suitable for a start into the new week.
1.Půlnoční Rebel - PLEXIS
2.Nephilim - PLEXIS
3.Ona Neví - PLEXIS
4.Ztráta Imunity - TŘI SESTRY
5.Nuselský Horky - TŘI SESTRY
6.Nechci Do Ústavu - TŘI SESTRY
7.Mládí Vpřed - FABRIKA
8.Skinhead - ORLÍK
9.Viktorka Žižkov - ORLÍK
10.Karel G. Mit Uns - ORLÍK
11.Na Běžícím Pásu - ŠANOV
12.Prasata - ŠANOV
13.O Nás - ŠANOV
14.Hodnej Kluk - NAŠROT
15.Malá Je Naděje - NAŠROT
16.Našrot - NAŠROT
17.Barová - FABRIKA
18.Tak Se Přidej - DO ŘADY!
19.Nikomu Nic - DO ŘADY!