Showing posts with label Sweden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sweden. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


Rare piece by this Swedish Heroes called Charlys Slavar and they formed 1981 by JB (vocals), Schiz (guitars), Liljan (bass), Mattias (drums). The Drummer was replaced in 1982 by Örni and they played on the local Punk scene for a couple of years before releasing their lone Fångar EP (1000 copies should exist) via Massproduktion in 1984. A year later  they had changed their name to Charly & & Slaves and appeared on the En Samling Rock Från Sundsvall Compilation anno 1985. In the same year Örni left the band and was replaced by Kjell-Åke. In 1986 they released the single 'Rotten Love' which was a mixture of Punk & Hardrock. In 1987 Schiz left the band and was replaced by Curt and finally Christian joined on keyboards in 1988. The musical style changed radically from Hardrock influenced Punk to Deathrock, inspired by the 80s Goth scene. The band fell asleep without drama in 1989. In 2009 they reunited with another line-up for a performance at Massproduktion's 30th anniversary. In 2019 Massproduktion began digitizing recorded material with the band. What remains are three decent Eighties goodies and there's nothing more to say from my side.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

ASTA KASK - Världens Räddaste Land 7'' 2013

The gentlemen from Asta Kask are always welcome in this theatre, today with their ninth 7Inch Världens Räddaste Land (The Scariest Country In The World) on Gaphals, 500 pressed: 200 on white vinyl, 300 on black. The band has released several albums in their lifetime and has developed a loyal fan base, both in Sweden and internationally. They have also disbanded several times but have always returned healthy and remain an influential force in Sweden with their energetic power sound, which is also found in these two melodic, catchy & dynamic nuggets. Also noteworthy are the lyrics, which takes apart a world-famous superpower and look behind the beautiful facade, match the cover. The B-side features with 'Välkommen Ner' a non-album track, so everything done right I would say, give it a try!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

TREKANT - Människor Smakar Gott EP 1982

A quick visit to Stockholm and we find the only 7Inch by Trekant, a four-piece consisting of Salle (vocals/guitar), Erik (guitars), Stefan (bass) and Hans-Peter (drums), released on Siste Bussen in an edition of 980 copies with three nice melodic KBD numbersTheir single received a lot attention in the Swedish Underground scene, which is not easy for a band from the capital among other heroes of the time, and was played in various clubs but they didn't get the attention they deserved in my opinion. Some critics praised the catchy melody and the band's scratchy style, while others found the lyrics rather ordinary. The single was reviewed in various fanzines, with opinions varying on the band's musical direction and artistic vision. Who cares, I like their record and unfortunately they haven't received much recognition on Compilations. But I did find one record, the Förortsrock - Musik Från Järfälla Sampler from 1983, I'll have to post it someday. Good Job!

Tuesday, December 03, 2024

SLOBOBANS UNDERGÅNG - Stål Och Styrka 1993

Today is my first day of vacation, out of seven, and this morning I went to the dentist and he fixed four of my teeth. My face is completely numb as if I had just been through a big streetfight and only the costs are significantly higher than that. I don't want to bore you with any more details, but why do I have health insurance if it doesn't pay anything? Well, these are the extraordinary everyday intros that are completely useless, you just get fooled, every day. And there less you can do about it. (This example of my broken teeth). That's really sad. You have only ever put more into it, no matter what the situation, they all just want your damn money and that's what the world is about. If you have too much of it, you can buy everything, people, things, contracts, climate protection or elections, and in this vicious circle, there are always two involved: those who pay and those who let themselves be bought. People are shit, and this  since the dawn of humanity! - Let me get to today’s post: Slobobans Undergång were Gothenburg and one of Sweden's finest Punk combos and released a couple of excellent 7inches in the early Eighties. This Compilation on Nonstop Records offers a fine selection of their best and most significant pieces, and is a great way to get an overview of the band's work, while long-time fans have the opportunity to enjoy their favorites on one collection. The band uses a direct and sometimes provocative language to convey their messages. Each track has its own character and contributes to the overall mood of the album. Overall, the band has a significant place in the history of the Swedish Underground scene and this CD is a powerful and remarkable piece that perfectly captures the essence of Slobobans Undergång. I Love It!

Wednesday, November 20, 2024


Slyngel Rekords 016 is dedicated to Att Mörda En Överordnad (To Kill A Superior), a short lived five piece from Linköping and they were active 1983-1984. The protagonists in detail: Stefan (vocals), Nicklas & Per (guitars), Thomas (bass), Ante (drums) and there exists a tape called Här Är Er Djävla Relik! with ten songs from 1983-1984 and was, I guess, distributed around that time in small mailorders or at gigs. "Founded June 1983 and passed over in silence September 1984. Four public appearances on stage did happen. Three of the sessions were official but one of them was more unofficial. During an outdoor concert in Valla the band made a raid and entered the stage to play two beautiful songs before they were evicted." There are two decent goodies to listen to which have a better recording quality than the tape, as I am used to from the label, of course long out of print and thus a rare record. Cool one!

Sunday, September 01, 2024

V/A - 14 Years Ago [Ex-WildDevilRules Compilation] 2010

This bloody Fucker, as the title suggests, is created when my old blog was still active and that time I posted it under a different name, now fourteen years later I've changed a few songs and think it's become a bit better (the back cover is still the old). There were too many D-bands on it Compilation what I had already forgotten is, there are a lot of cover versions of my favorite D-Punk band from Mönchengladbach on it. True followers of this Blog know which combo I'm talking about, but the name isn't mentioned. Those who guess it will get a washing machine for free, hehe..... Most of the songs were released in the Eighties and pressed on rare various Compis and 7Inches and all are fucking cool! It is a speciality of mine to immortalize the best of them on such useless crap that you then listen to in the car, train, plane or wherever to boost your self-confidence. Well, at least that's my reason for creating such musical delights, no profit, no self-indulgence, only for the passion of Punkrock, the attitude to life, and that's why I'm happy to share it with you. So dear ones, my plane leaves in four hours and I hope, I come back. Cheers!

2.I Want You To Be Punk - JET BUMPERS
3.Nicht Nur Ich - F.A.V.
4.Unterwasser Treibt Man's Nicht - HIRN
5.Frieden Im Land - TOLLWUT
6.No Next Time - NEW CHRISTS
7.Moderne Leute - SORGENKINDER
8.Justify Your Book - WAT TYLER
9.Jag Vill Ha En Amazon - ETIQUETTE MONA
10.Im China Restaurant - DADDY MEMPHIS & DIE OIBERTS
11.Dernier Cri - STALAG
13.Tenno - SAUSÖL
15.Système - JUSTIFIÉ X
16.Rebel Song - RED LONDON
17.Vart Ska Vi Ta Vägen? - SKAMS
18.John Merrick - PURRKUR PILLNIKK
19.Erase Today - HÜSKER DÜ
20.Besserwisser - DANSE DE PARTEMENT
21.Leck Mich Am Arsch - THE LENNONS
22.Useless Is Useless - THUMPER
23.D.K.D.L.N.S. - M.E.W.
24.Barbelé - DEPRESSION
25.Mongoloid - QUIET MEN
26.Breakin' The Toilet! - FLEISCHLEGO
27.Gewalt - AAK
28.Racing - MINX
29.Loser - JAWS
31.Drugs - RIOT .303
32.Expresso Oriente - INOCENTES
33.Rock Rural - STILLERS
34.Hey Kirby - THE VECTORS
35.Verrückt - DUST BINS
36.Count Me Out - SALVATION FUZZ
38.Auf Wiedersehen - ALBINO BAND

Friday, August 09, 2024

V/A - 805 21 F 2xEP 1995

First post in August brings us a brilliant Compilation from Spock Productions and 500 copies of these two 45's were pressed and this release was a benefit for "Secours Populaire Français", a non profit organization which has been fighting against povertyall around the world since the end of World War II, and still is. I love these kind of records with international bands because, on the one hand, you can usually only hear them on these kind of Compilations and, on the other hand, I like to feel the vibes of these countries. And that's what happens here with twelve really good, varied songs. And I guess that's also the passion of the small label that has unfortunately only released about a dozen 7Inches, but each one is certainly a real gem. Well, it was fun to digitize them and there will be more material at the weekend, so stay tuned.

1.Stupid Story - D MAISONS 
3.Sun Cold Day - F.V.K.
4.Collari - CRUNCH
5.Don't Need You - BOOT DOWN THE DOOR
6....Again Above The Same - WC NEWS
7.Life - REVENGE
8.Don't Believe Political Parties - OSTROV P
9.Nunca (Arrestos Raciales) - TINTOREROS
10.Mirage Of More - SANITY ASSASSINS
11.Liberte Revee - THIERRY GALAI

Monday, June 17, 2024

V/A - Attack Is Now Suicide 1988

A short appearance from me and in my mind is the next record, a fucking hot Compilation of the late Eighties and released in 1988 by the small but equally important German label Double A Records in collaboration with Americans from Phantom Records and is chock full of superb international Hardcore/Punk material with some exclusive highlights. US.Distress opens the musical ecstasy with an fucking energetic track and so it happens one after the other, short and intense songs (especially the Vatican Commandos & Dusk is a brilliant example with an unusual title and a rough sound and Dresden 45 contributes the longest track, which bears the band's name and creates a dark atmosphere). This beauty offers a diverse mix of aggressive and experimental sounds. Although not all tracks are equally strong, Attack Is Now Suicide is an interesting contemporary document of the Hardcore & Punk scene around the world of the late 1980s. The album also contains a folded insert with band photos and song lyrics which is not included within.

1.Who Possesses You? - U.S. DISTRESS
2.British Troops In Cyprus - SIC BOY FEDERATION
3.Housewives On Valium - VATICAN COMMANDOS & DUSK
4.Fjernsyn - O.H.M.
5.Bimbirimbirimbam - S.H. DRAUMUR
6.Werewolf's Life - FEAR ITSELF
7.Intolerance 2:24 - I DENY
8.When You've Got The Choice - DAWN OF LIBERTY
9.Dresden 45 - DRESDEN 45
10.Korruption - EXTREM
11.Don't Waste Your Time - COLLAPS
12.Paralized - RANCID DECAY
14.Russia Nuked Themselves - STIKKY
15.Aggression - NO FRAUD
16.Koyhat Kyykuyn - TERVEYSKESKUS
17.Breakfast Of Champions - PROBLEM CHILDREN
18.Call For Freedom 3:14 - ASOCIAL
19.Ain't No Crime - DAMAGE
21.Fuck S.A.C.E.M. - PIN PRICK
23.Can't Reach Me Now - AFFLICT

Tuesday, February 06, 2024

V/A - Även Vackra Fåglar Skiter (Live) 1992

Released via Birdnest Records gives this double record set an fantastic impression of the Swedish underground scene with bands that have caused a sensation with good Powerpunk rock since the mid-eighties, all this were recorded live during Totalgalan, the 18th and 19th of October 1991. This is the CD Version and we find we also infos inside but only in Swedish. But I'm sure these little bio or liner notes express what can be heard, namely a solid selection of bands/songs that achieved a bit of fame in their country and outside of it. Check out the blog and you will find studio material for many of the protagonists mentioned here. Cool piece!

3.Can't Stand It - CHARTA 77
4.Vikingjazz - TUK TUK RALLY
5.Betongbarn - STREBERS
7.Hallucinationer - D.L.K.
8.Yellow Submarine - PUBLIKEN
9.Svart Jul - CHARTA 77
10.Sånger & Eld - TUK TUK RALLY
11.Lycklig - 23 TILL
13.U.S Of C.C - THE PAST
14.Do Anything You Wanna Do - 23 TILL
15.C.P Framför Sin T.V. - D.L.K.
17.Häxcalypso - KÖTTGROTTORNA
18.Midsommarvisa - STREBERS
19.Whats Your Feeling - THE PAST
20.Bikt I C-Dur - TUK TUK RALLY
21.Pärleporten - STREBERS
22.Doesn't Make It Alright - CHARTA 77
23.Ensam Kvar - CHARTA 77
24.Tänk Om Jag Vore... - D.L.K.
25.Sofia Dansar Go-Go - TUK TUK RALLY
26.Sista Supen - 23 TILL

- Great Thx to Fredrik -

Wednesday, December 06, 2023

V/A - Really Fast Vol.2 1984

Second Compilation from this cool series which came via Really Fast Records and again 1600 copies were pressed. And on these records are only Swedish bands who celebrate more fast and aggressive Hardcore/Punk and to preserve a monument to them this little idea was born. Some made it onto vinyl, others only on those gems. This edition also comes, like Volume 1, in a beautiful poster sleeve with pictures, artwork and information about the bands, a solid release, Enjoy!

1.Magic Mushrooms - THE KRIXHJÄLTERS
2.The Guardian Of The Society - THE KRIXHJÄLTERS
3.Tänk Realistiskt - S.O.D.
4.BSS - S.O.D.
5.I Don't Want - S.O.D.
6.Rustning Är Mord - ASOCIAL
7.Frihet - ASOCIAL
8.Hiroshima/Slakta Assars Nassar - TATUERADE SNUTKUKAR
10.Krossade Pungkulor - TATUERADE SNUTKUKAR
11.Pensionär - SWANKERS
12.Anti-Oi - SWANKERS
13.Trofull - NYX NEGATIV
14.Makten - NYX NEGATIV
15.Vi Kan - MOB 47
16.Dagen Efter - MOB 47
17.Vi Vill Ha Frihet - MOB 47
18.Vår Värld - MOB 47
19.Nowhere - BRISTLES
20.Dataspel - AB HJÄRNTVÄTT
22.Tristess - INGRON HUTLÖS
23.Raggarstat - INGRON HUTLÖS
24.Skit I Valet - INGRON HUTLÖS
25.Run - R.T.S.
26.R.T.S. - R.T.S.
27.Det Finns Inget Kvar - R.T.S.
28.Byråkrati Gör Dig Fri - R.T.S.
29.Napalm - R.T.S.
30.Minoritet Förtryck - DISTRUST
31.Föroreningar - DISTRUST
32.Fred & Frihet - DISTRUST
33.Heavy Gym - SUBWAY ARMY
34.Decontrol - SUBWAY ARMY
35.Farligt - SÖTLIMPA
36.Fred - SÖTLIMPA

Saturday, November 11, 2023

EBBA GRÖN - Prorock 7'' 1979

Second 7Inch by Ebba Grön on Mistlur and they formed in Rågsved outside of Stockholm in 1977. They are one of the most renowned bands from this country and this 7Inch will kick your ass and is one more beautiful highlight in their glorious discography. Two briliant goodies and what can I more say: don't miss it! 

Saturday, November 04, 2023

TIEBREAK - Mina Grannar (Gillar Inte Rock'N'Roll) 7'' 1982

I don't have any information about this band called Tiebreak, but they do a solid job and recorded two early rock'n'roll goodies and immortalized them on their only rare 7inch, released by the Swedish renowned Rock label Pang RecordsWhether it is a real collector's item is up to the viewer, I don't think the record is bad, as it is absolutely audible and doesn't come with long solos or similar elements. A-side with a 'short' two minute track, while the flip is a bit too long ballad, but the guitar sound sounds pleasantly creaky and somehow antique... very charming. A record where tastes certainly differ, I like it.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

INCEST BROTHERS - Ljuset Igen 7'' 2022

Current 7Inch by the Incest Brothers from Stockholm, with a new song on the A-side and on the flip is a peppered cover version of the most famous Valves song “For Adolf's Only”. The first hundred copies came in blood red vinyl, the rest in black, and this little goodie was released via Bollmora Rekords. Really cool that this band is still active, originally formed in 1977, and still have passion in making good music which this burning wheel clearly underlines. Powerful & lovely!

- Great Thx to Fredrik -

Friday, October 27, 2023

V/A - Panx Vinyl Zine 11 EP 1992

French label Panx Productions created their small Panx Vinyl Zine series at the end of the Eighties and eleven parts were released. Pressed exclusively as 7Inch, initially hand-numbered and always provided with a small booklet, bands were given the opportunity to show what they could do. Mostly unknown combos, who were only a small part in their lifetime at vinyl on these series. So a very good innovation and anyone who owns all eleven records can certainly put them all together on a CD and have a really rare and surprisingly good Compilation with excellent material, in my opinion. I only have this one but it kicks well and is affordable for just a few euros, like all the others. Now start to an interesting little journey through the world and meet likeable people who can do it too. Cheers! 🍻

2.Jehovah's Witness - BLANKS 77
3.Crisis Everywhere - WOUNDED KNEE
4.Real Man - EIGHT BALL
5.Sentimiento Indefinible - LAMENTO
6.Nevermore - PUBLIC LOST

Thursday, October 05, 2023

ATTENTAT - I Denna Stan 1984

Third album by Attentat from Gothenburg (maybe the most famous and memorable band from this city) with eleven energetic versatile Punk tunes which often exceed the three minute mark and they are very popular in their home country and have released numerous records since 1978. I don't know if they are still active but their sound still kicks. According to Mats Jönsson (vocals) himself, Attentat's best album and here is also one of the group's strongest songs: "In Denna Stan". Well, this isn't an 1-2-3-4 album, but it's not light fare either.

- Great Thx to Fredrik -

Saturday, August 19, 2023

THE PAST - In The Future With The Past 1990

Short and painless, this is the sound of the first record by the Past after their long hiatus and it's an Explosion!, released via Birdnest Records and twelve smashers in less than twenty minutes have Linus (vocals/guitar), Pelle (bass/vocals), Roger (drums/vocals) smashed out at the Studio White Room on a cold grey November day. I guess, the songs turned out extremely awesome because there is a lot of darkness in Sweden at this time and I can well imagine how I would jump out of my skin with the gray haze and I have to admit I couldn't live there, too little sun. Well, maybe that wasn't the reason and I've never been to Köping, so it's purely fictional. Well, considering that the Past have released a total of four albums (last in 2021) there is little information about them, but that's okay. The music is decisive and with this album, which you aren't find on the crawling table for a special offer, the three created a solid little masterpiece. I know, you will love it!

Sunday, August 06, 2023

DIESTINCT - Se Men Inte Röra 1981

Three young piece from Sundsvall and Diestinct consisted of Jan (vocals/guitars), Mikael (bass), Jörgen (drums) and was a magnificent live band, a hard-hitting trio that delivered pop-punk at a level no other band could at the time. Hundreds of gigs, two albums and four singles were released before disbanded in 1985. This is their first full-length on Mistlur with ten PowerPop/Punk nuggets, some of them have more than four minutes, which I find a bit long among others, but overall the three make it mostly acceptable and therefore not uninteresting. Also rewarded on numerous Compilations, which you check out for yourself. Good record.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

KRIMINELLA GITARRER - Complete Studio Recordings & Demos 2000

Kriminella Gitarrer was a young four piece and come together around 1977 and the first line-up consisted of Stry (vocals), Mats (guitars), Affe (bass), Sticky Bomb (drums). They were not the most influential or popular of the first generation of Swedish Punk bands but their three 7Inches are all excellent records. All three, plus demos and their two Compilation tracks are assembled on this great slab which came via Klippan Records in an edition of 500 copies. Sixteen tidbits prove that they were able to write rough cool songs, and have a legitimate place in the upper league of the Swedish underground. A detailed DIN-A4 gives you more information about the band and I would definitely recommend a listen.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

NEW ROSE - Circus Of The Human Race EP 1986

Swedish five piece from Ljusne, Hälsingland and this 7Inch has four solid rocking numbers and is the debut of New Rose, Anders (vocals), Maths (guitars), Ingvar (bass), Peter (keys), Roger (drums), on Slam Records. An album followed (In The Land Of Overnight Daylight, 1988) plus a flexi 7inch (split with The Pedaç Moped, 1989) and I guess after that the band broke up. Musically played decently, melodically and the keys are not too dominant and sound at the right time without getting on your nerves and as far as I know, there aren't Compilation invitations. I think, there are far worse ways to waste ten minutes of your life, New Rose aren't one of them.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

INTIMATE - Tomma Ögon EP 1982

An older rip now and this is the only 7Inch by this Swedish four piece from Västerås and the band consisted of Jonas (vocals/bass), Henrik & Marin (guitars), Lars-Åke (drums) and this little dittie was released by their own. The four lasted between 1979-1982 and they did about twenty gigs in mid Sweden and broke up just after the Single had been released. That is the only information about the four and musically rather unspectacular, but the four songs are definitely worth listening to, even if they hardly reach the wild-rough Punk standard of the Swedish bands from back then, which is probably due to their sadly bloodless sound, is the whole thing harmless. But hey, that was also part of it and Intimate certainly made some friends happy and can now be rediscovered here, and the mention in Peter Jandreus's Encyclopedia is proof enough that they were important for the Swedish Underground scene! They are also found on a Compilation tape Drömmar i Faksimile from 1982 on Modernes Pop Records.