"Punk, Råråkk & Aggression - Archaeological excavations from the Norwegian underground 1978-1981", so briefly about the content of the second Anarki & Kaos compilation from Voices Of Wonder Records and this Silberling is full with rarities and classics. Comes in a decent artwork with much infos, but I don't understand why nobody came up with the idea to translate the whole thing into English... but with a short video which is apparently without sound, hmmmm.... frankly, I can't see any sense in it. Well, somehow I think this CD shouldn't go beyond Norway and is certainly very interesting for locals, but let's be not so critical; Fakt is: together with Volume 1, both provide an excellent insight of the subculture by this country of the early wild years.. Unfortunately only as CD available, but essential for all KBD friends... choose an indispensable listening experience!
1.Produkt Av 70-Åra - HÆRVERK
2.Hurra (For Norge) - Z-OFF
3.Smukke Folks Børn - OSLO BØRS
4.Galt Et Sted - ØRESUS
5.Landsbygda's Fortapte Sønner - ISCHJAZZ
6.Pond - DE PRESS
8.Tvangsinnlagt - ANFALL
9.Klaus - HJERN & MENTAL
10.Stumblin' - BØRRES KORK
11.Rene Hender - THE ALLER VÆRSTE!
12.Urbane Problemer - KJØTT
13.Bølle - FORT & GÆLI
14.Full Kontroll - FEBER
15.Uskyldig Dømt - KOLLAPS
16.Berre På Jævel - SVARTEDAUEN
17.Hva Faen - 1984
18.Jeg Har Fått Nok - STROYERS
19.Babij Jar - BABIJ JAR
20.Parklåt - GEITOST
21.Egertorget - SUNWHEELS
22.Unge Høyre - SQUIRMS
23.Hounds Of Hell - DORIS NIGHT