Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts

Saturday, March 22, 2025

V/A - Ei Gude Wie 2015

Back with a local compilation from the beautiful state of Hesse and this beauty features Hessian Cult Hits, that's says the cover but cult isn't the right word, what is cult? There are about 80% good songs on it, that's why I ordered the CD and the Bembel on the front fits our culture and we drink the delicious Äppelwoin out this. My version is called Bloodstains Across Hessen with more Punk material. For me, this thing is not a bad buy, good selection and ideal for tourists. Phew, I'm a bit irradiated and so I'll say goodbye quickly and see you tomorrow, enjoy the music!

2.Phonhaus - CRACKERS
3.Ich Wär So Gern Mal Michael Jackson - FLATSCH!
4.Du Lachst Immer Noch - HOB GOBLIN
5.Big Mäc - FEINBEIN
6.Ich Bin So Cool - ADAM & THE MICKY'S
7.Die Hesse Komme! - RODGAU MONOTONES 
8.Immer Das Gleiche - STRASSENJUNGS
9.Pornokino - CRACKERS
10.Zärtliche Gefühle - MÖLLER
11.Weniger Ist Mehr - SASCHA KRIEGER
12.Wurstwasser - MUNDSTUHL
13.Badekapp - FLATSCH!
14.Die Runkelreuweroppmaschin Fährt Tanzen - ADAM & THE MICKY'S
15.Gnadenlos Erotisch - HOB GOBLIN
16.Is Nur Kino (Live) - RODGAU MONOTONES
17.Klassenfahrt Zum Titisee - CRACKERS
18.Durchgemacht - STRASSENJUNGS
19.Ich Brauch' Meinen Suff - TANKARD
20.Bembel With Care - V8 WIXXXER

Monday, March 03, 2025

CRETINS & BLUT+EISEN - Dachau Disco 7'' 1984

Absolutely brilliant split 7inch from two German combos that I really appreciate and whose records served me well in my early days as  Punkrocker and still boom from my speakers and shouldn't be missing in any collection: Cretins and Blut+Eisen, both from Hanover and this is a rare piece from Weird System and as far as I know both tracks are only available on this little fucker. Discogs says: Dachau Disco was a new recording, first released on the infamous HanNOver FunFunFun (why hasn't this been posted yet?) Compilation, here with slightly changed lyrics to avoid any previous accusations of fascism. It's not that important, this 7Inch is a highlight of German Wertarbeit and everything fits on it. I think, the first 1000 copies came in yellow vinyl and are very sought after among collectors today. With this I have made you happy once again and now I am withdrawing into my darkness. Cheers!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

HOTEL KEMPAUSKI - Sternzeichen Kartoffel - Aszendent Sauerkraut EP 2022

It's been a while since I presented you a new, promising band from Schleswig-Holstein, Hotel Kempauski, and back then I was still working with a band member who unfortunately changed his employer, since then there's Funkstille, but that doesn't stop me from wishing his band continued positive vibes. This little EP is their latest vinyl release to my knowledge and in advance, with which I can only agree, a little official info: The self-proclaimed building society Punks from Kiel are taking HardcorePunk into its long overdue midlife crisis. Live, they offer speed, cynicism, lengthy announcements and Hotel Kempauski deliver solid melodies to combat the tristesse and let off steam and they made it cool, because they're good at it. It's rough, it's loud, it's splendid. Six decent banger with the typically North German confusing lyrics, but very clear (it's really interesting how they went from the potato harvest to democracy, + other cool associations... simply delicious), and after nine minutes you're back in reality. Six songs, limited edtion of 250 copies, self-released and it's worth to visit their homebase for more releases. 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

THE NIKOTEENS - Slamdance Party Vol.3 1986

When we talk about Ingolstadt, only one band immediately comes to my mind: The NikoteensI'm sure fans of quality German HardcorePunk will know straight away that the guys have released their first album via the Cologne Malermeister, which doesn't sound bad at all. Circa two years later a tape was recorded named Hardcore Holocaust (1985), which can be read on the front cover, and thirteen of the eighteen songs were finally immortalized on this fucking vinyl, brought us by Starving Missile. And the fact that Americans also like fast, aggressive sounds from overseas is proven by a short and snappy review: Divided into a “Romantic” side and a “Realistic” side, this band pulls off an out-of-the-ordinary LP. Their punk is not generic usually, but doesn’t really drift into experimentation or post-punk to pull it off. Can’t really say what it is, but it’s a tad different. Worth checking out. (Tim Yohannan, MRR #38 • July 1986) The postman was just here with new material and I will get to it immediately to repay the donor who lent me the record. That means I'll be away for a while. Enjoy this brilliant album with a cold beer. I say Cheers, Baby!

- Great Thx to iNgo -

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

CLOCK OF TIME - Pestilent Planet 12'' 2020

Time for something new and if you have Positive Energie #2, you know this band from Berlin, if not you should definitely catch up. Pestilent Planet is an extremely dark name for an album but take a look yourself, the record came out five years ago and nothing has changed and I think the band is more concerned with the stupid morons who are destroying our earth with their madness, profit thinking and useless ideas. You know exactly what I mean, look at Europe and the USA, what idiots are deciding there is no longer acceptable. But I don't want to get political, that's not what wdthtc is here for, you have surely your own opinion, I feel the album is very good and unfortunately it is their only album to date. A bit of info: Debut seven track 12Inch from Berlin’s Clock Of Time (Corey, Tobi, Nordberg, Seth & Kalo.) and it’s released a mere eight months (limited mailorder edition of 200 copies on translucent green vinyl) after they played their first gig. The band comes fully formed and up to speed but that is not surprising considering some of the members other projects such as Diät, Vexx and Useless Eaters. Pestilent Planet is a stunning statement of intent. The sound is a driving mix of PostPunk like Jeopardy era The Sound, and that classic 80's Death Rock that Vex and Arch Criminals perfected. It’s instant and urgent, for example just tracks like 'Rotten Master' which has a fuller Joy Division esque vibe especially in the skeletal guitar hook. It will be love on first listen." (Sean Forbes)I'm tired, enough for today, it was a long day of music, enjoy!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

V/A - Wahrschauer CD #1 1995

Today we come to an interesting Compilation that was created by a Berlin fanzine called Wahrschauer in 1995. At that time, there was an increasing trend to include a free CD as a supplement in the Heftsche, see OX, ZAP or others, in order to introduce new bands/music to the valued readers and of course to give the respective protagonists a platform to become better known through the local scene and thus attract attention and thus enable concerts outside their radius. This didn't always meet with a positive response, some said it was only intended to increase their circulation to Punk fans, but I think it is an excellent idea, because it is the only way for the 'small' bands to have a chance of being heard. And the Berlin Wahrschauer fanzine stuck to this brilliantly, because most of the CDs featured Berlin bands and in some cases the quality was astonishing. The special thing about it is always the do-it-yourself booklet, you just have to cut out the stuff, the dimensions are excellently formatted on the jewel case and you have an excellent self-made copy, which is fun and saves money. I can't say whether that's still the case today, I bought my last fanzine around that time, in the late 90s. Today, with social networks and online reading, that's all a thing of the past, but that was innovation and you were always waiting for the new issue. Well, dear friends, that's how it is. You almost degenerate into a rotten vegetable. I still have a few of them in stock, not many, but they will come out eventually, enjoy the music. Cheers!

1.A Daily Event - GERM ATTACK
2.Voll Proll - 1.MAI 87
3.Ey, Aller - FISCHMOB
4.Time & Money - LAZY COWGIRLS
5.Shit Load Of Records - TWO SECOND MICKEY
6.2$ Haircut - STEAKKNIF
8.American Revolution - LOVE 666
9.Untoten - UNTOTEN
10.H-Story - RAWSIDE
11.Neue Wege - FUCKIN' FACES
12.Die Erfinder - DIE STRAFE
13.00679 - YETI GIRLS
14.Sag Mir Nicht - HAMMERFALL
15.Lost In Mind - SHITYRI
16.Some People - THE HIPPRIESTS
17.HAF - H.A.F.
18.Tequilamond - FLUCHTWEG
19.Story Teller - KELLY
21.Never Reached Marakesh - DREADCLUB

Saturday, February 08, 2025

HEAVY MÄDELS - Durchdrehn EP 1989

Today a little record that I'm sure many have been waiting for and since I'm a happiness maker, hahaha, I don't want to withhold this nugget from you. We are talking about the Heavy Mädels from Sindelfingen and they are the progenitor of Mädels No Mädels and this is their only 7Inch with six fantastic blasts on FAE Musik. They didn't have a big breakthrough, but here they sound musically rougher and the lyrics are also much more aggressive than later. Musically varied and definitely at home in '77 punk, plus the rich production, which in my opinion is rather untypical for a debut, makes this little piece of heaven essential. Bold melodies and damn authentic, that's what dirty Punkrock should sound like.

Friday, February 07, 2025

TV-WA® - Berlin West EP 1980

Well, there's a lot of shit going on at the moment and I really have a lot to do to sort it all out, hence my brief absence, I wasn't really in the mood to post here or answer emails. It's another classic slump that life has thrown at me. And the info that krakenfiles is now completely rubbish with advertising etc. is also not convenient for me and I will not re-upload all the files. If you find a broken file, write it in the comments and I will change it. Today's record: TV-War was a four piece from Berlin and consisted of Matze (vocals/bass), David (guitars/vocals), Detlef (drums), Conny (piano/vocals) and this is, I think, their self-released debut with three cool goodies and the first release comes with a xeroxed sleeve and was limited of 100 copies. I like their rough sound and their critical lyrics, which often address social and political issues. TV-WAR was part of the ascending German Punk & New Wave scene and made a name for themselves through their energetic live performances and is considered influential within the Berlin subculture. Anyway, they have a record out and it's coming soon and the EP is absolutely recommendable.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

IDIOTS - Der S⁰⁴ Und Der BVB EP 1983

I would say that the guys who follow now are pretty popular with you and your comments and downloads show that, so I think it's time for the self-released debut record by the Idiots from Dortmund. They started in 1978 with slow Oi! Punk which you can hear on this record very well, then developed into HardcorePunk in the mid Eighties. A review: "The Idiots are a primitive, alcohol-swigging bunch from Germany. They stumble between Oi-influenced sing-alongs (like the title cut) and sloppy, enjoyable thrashers (like “Edeka”), all the while preserving a sense of humor and fuzzy guitar backing." (Jeff Bale, MRR #17 • September 1984) His words sum it up perfectly and that's the great thing about the band, it's not about political crap or world-weariness but about everyday life and its challenges and the way they put that into their lyrics is simply remarkable. This is probably the reason why many appreciate and love this band so much. Unfortunately, I haven't seen them live yet, at least I think so, my memory is also a bit failing. Anyway, great record with 5 hits!

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

FEHLFARBEN - Agenten In Raucherkinos 12'' 1983

The last attempt to tie in with the past was made by Fehlfarben (... emerged from the free-spirited Düsseldorf Pioneers Mittagspause, who had been attracting the attention of the scene and a few media people since their fantastic single "Herrenreiter". When they released Monarchie Und Alltag on EMI and weren't the ideologically firmly anchored band that some wanted to see them as, they were accused of selling out and betraying the underground cause. This ultimately didn't work out, because while, for example, the Clash signed with the then world's largest label CBS with an embarrassingly rambling revolutionary attitude, they didn't make any such claims. Art is free, otherwise it isn't art.) with their third album Glut Und Asche and these two songs were released in advance as 7inch & 12inch and it turned out rather weak. The steam has definitely gone and both pieces are extremely shady, shallow monotone pop songs and so the end had to come a year later. Lyrically still in a good mood but to blow me away it needs more spirit and rawness, too smooth all this... well, listen to it and you'll know what I mean.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

VOMIT VISIONS - I Hate The World 7'' 1982

The grey holidays are finally over and has anything changed? No, humanity continues to destroy the planet, affection is a foreign word and love remains mysterious. These are the adventures that I was able to experience once again these days and maybe there comes a highlight tonight, we'll see. It doesn't seem surprising that this 7Inch with the nice title is smiling at me. Let's meet the Lo-Fi heroes Vomit Visions from Frankfurt and this is, I think, their last 7Inch of three on their own label Wasted Vinyl Records. On these recordings: Rola Rock (vocals), Eric Hysteric & Leigh Kendall (guitars), HansWurst (bass), Dieter (drums) and if you like amateurish garage punk in a restrained quality then is this the right slab. Two excellent examples are waiting for your interest and I am sure that not everyone will like them, but I am a fan of such simple recordings and it is not for nothing that they remain cult, at least here in my hometown almost everyone knows & love them. Meanwhile, three members have already died and their music remains undiscovered and is, I hope so, not only for the most die-hard connoisseurs.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

MORGEN TEUER TÖTEN - Schluckauf Akut! [Tape] 2022

With the following post I contradict myself, what about old stuff, no... Now comes new music and those who have downloaded my Compilation Positive Energie 2 are one step ahead with a small impression of the current band. Morgen Teuer Töten is a Synth-Punk band from Berlin and this is their first output, a five track demo. There isn't much information about the band, line-up, etc... but we are listen to a female voice and I think there are three members in total. To date there is an EP, this tape and the current debut album was  released in October 2024 on Kidnap Music. And that's where some information comes from, because unfortunately I have nothing. The band brings everyday madness straight into your ears. With biting lyrics they pounce on the irrelevant trendy society until it's screaming in front of the supermarket checkout. Their songs are so catchy that you'll still be singing along to them in the shower after the concert - and so shameless that even the soap turns red. There's good music, there's shit music and there's Morgen Teuer Töten. Very good Nuggets in an acceptable PostPunk tangle.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

A+P - Links Rechts EP 1982

My dear friends, I was so busy this weekend digitizing LPs that a very good friend lent me that I hardly had a chance to post anything, but two double vinyl albums with a total of over eighty songs leave their mark and take up a lot of time, but it's done and we now come to another rare German goodie and it's the only 7Inch by A+P from Munich with five minimalistic Pisstakes, original released by the Switzerland label Soilant. A+P cover a variety of topics in their songs, including social injustice, Nazi filth, religion issues and the challenges of living in modern society. Their lyrics are often direct and provocative, making them a voice in the Munich scene The song Dachau (which is on their first LP), for example, was censored by the authorities because it shows the truth and brutality of the cruel dark German twelve years and when I watch the documentaries in TV over and over again I feel sick and have to puke. People are shit, and that has remained the case in this century, and it makes me angry when I think of all the assholes who buy everything with money, especially those who can be bought with money and whose situation is taken advantage of. For sure is that some club, church institution or Nazi bigwig contributed to the judicial amputation of the song but it doesn't matter, as long as we fight against the system and remain ourselves, these wankers can kiss our asses... and let me tell you: Don't fall in love with their world. Now I've digressed.... very good five song EP and sorry for the crappy rip, it's not mine.

Friday, December 20, 2024

OROHPACKZ - Ruhestörung 7'' 2018

Orohpackz is a band that came together in Berlin in the mid-eighties. Former members of the recently disbanded Deutsche Trinkerjugend decided to escape the boredom and founded Orohpackz. The band consists of Wolfgang (vocals), Köhler (guitars), Ralf (bass), Uwe (drums). They played a few concerts and finally recorded two songs that nobody outside of Berlin knew until six years ago. The renowned label Rotten Totten Records, which specializes in finding such valuable treasures, released these two nuggets in an edition of 100 copies (50 on yellow clear & 50 on purple vinyl) and put a little exclamation mark on the short-lived combo. Equipped with liner notes by bassist Ralf, this record is a beautiful thing.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

THE NIKOTEENS - Aloah-Oehh! 1983

I thought the album was already on the blog, but I don't see it. And since I digitized their second LP today (Thx iNgo), it wasn't difficult to decide which post must now follow. Welcome to the debut by The Nikoteens. Formed as a trio mid-1979 in Ingolstadt and in March 1981, the first recordings were made in Berlin, which were intended for the Soundtracks Zum Untergang Sampler. However, the producer had a problem with the song "Bombs Over Russia", so the tapes were bought and the legendary first EP which was produced in-house. They expanded to a fourth member and released the Hardcore milestone Aloah-Oehh in 1983 on the obscure Rock-O-Rama label. The legendary "Skateboard Tape" then broke the speed barrier in 1984. The second LP "Hardcore Holocaust-Slamdance Party Vol.3" followed in 1986. After that, the band broke up. With new members, the drummer continued as Nikoteens for a while. This formation then released the underground hit "Leader Of The Rotten Corpse" on the Brain Attack EP. At the end of the 80s, the band was renamed "SHOTGUN". In 2002, the Nikoteens were revived in a large oxygen tent by a mad scientist. Since then, they have played various gigs as a trio again. The band was strongly motivated by the extremely positive response from old and new fans. At Christmas 2007, they went into the studio to record a few new songs and the whole thing was mixed in spring and on October 1, 2008, five useful ones appeared as the Full Speed Ahead 12Inch which released in a small edition of 300 hand-numbered copies. At the end of Summer 2010, a 4-song EP follows on Höhnie Records. And for the first time, the whole thing will be available digitally and the CD contains all the songs from the 12Inch and the yet-to-be-released Outsider EP newly remastered. Aloha-Oehh! is a small explosion, even if the recordings are typically creaky due to the unambitious producer, but it's definitely a milestone of the German Hardcore Underground Scene.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

SPRINGTOIFEL - Tanz Der Teufel 1985

Now the debut by Springtoifel from Mainz on New Age Records. Founded in 1981, Springtoifel, whose founding members Olaf (vocals/organ) and Paule (bass) can still be found in the quintet's line-up today, was one of the very first German-speaking Oi-Punk bands ever. From the beginning, the band stood out clearly in the young Oi! scene with their then still quite exotic passion for ska, fluffy, offbeat hits with organ backing. Since then, the 'Mainzeldroogs' have not only stood for unforgettable, lively, first-class Punkrock sing-along anthems crowned by Olaf's roaring organ, but also for exotic musical quotes from completely foreign genres such as tango, bossa nova or even folk music, in addition to the obligatory brilliant ska songs. At a time when the music scene was dominated by New Wave, Punk and the emerging electronic music, the band managed to create a unique sound that combines both traditional and modern elements. The album is a fascinating work that takes listeners on a journey through various musical styles and themes, a remarkable example of the fusion of rock, folk and experimental music. The band combines catchy melodies with powerful guitar riffs and a driving rhythm. The use of traditional instruments, such as accordion and violin, gives the sound a folkloric touch, while the electric guitars and synthesizers underline the contemporary influence. This mix creates a dynamic soundscape that is both nostalgic and innovative. The lyrics are quite funny, sometimes poetic and invite interpretation. Themes such as love, loss, freedom and the fight against societal norms are treated in a way that is both personal and universal. The title track, "Tanz Der Teufel," is particularly notable as it offers a dark yet captivating narrative that draws the listener in. The imagery is powerful, creating an atmosphere that is both mystical and challenging. The production of the album is well done, with the sound being clear and balanced. The instruments are well-matched, and the vocals come through clearly. The mix of acoustic and electric elements is cleverly used to underline the different moods of the songs. The production reflects the experimental nature of the band and adds to the overall impact of the album. A review: ... the music and the feel, a strong early sing-song Oi! feel, like Sham 69 are both driving & passionate. Most of the stuff marches along at a good clip, both the harder thrash tunes and the slower bigger Punk sounds. (Dogtowne, MRR #40 • September 1986) This debut is an impressive record and leaves a strong first impression. Both thumbs up!

Friday, November 22, 2024

EA80 - 40 CD 2019

On the occasion of EA80’s 40th anniversary, this pretty, simple, homemade Compilation was released with rehearsal room recordings of seventeen Nuggets from the entire forty years, recorded exclusively for this bloody sucker. First sold for € 5-, at a gig in Recklinghausen, where the band announced that they would make copies for future shows and even mail orders upon request. Was bleibt? Vierzig offers a comprehensive overview of EA80’s musical creation and is interesting for everybody who doesn't drink non-alcoholic beer and still remains clear-headed. The Four are known for their melancholic and often dark sound and the songs are characterized by deep, often poetic lyrics and an intense atmosphere. The words often deal with personal and social themes, including isolation, alienation, loss and criticism of social ills. EA80 is known for their "Do It Yourself" mentality and made all independently of majors and take care of the production and distribution of their albums themselves. Over the years they have developed a cult status in the German underground. Despite their long existence and extensive discography, they remain a relatively unknown quantity in the mainstream, and that is excellent. Their live performances are also intense and energetic and usually take place in smaller, intimate venues, which creates a close connection with the audience. It may be that I'm always repeating myself when I post the Gladbacher, but that's just the way it is and I haven't heard a single shitty record from them. Sure, the old stuff is always my thing and I play it often, but it's always a highlight to unpack an EA80 record. Enjoy the little journey through time and play it loud!

Thursday, November 21, 2024

DROOGIES - Remember 1989

Some re-upps switched and now a new post: The Droogies were a three piece from Reinfeld and consisted of Kai (vocals/guitars), Wolle (bass), Jan (drums) and this is their first full length, which came one year after the debut Sometimes EP, on Nuclear Blast. Remember (came also in limited blue & red shiny vinyl) is an album that combines the essence of raw sound with emotional lyrics and the three deliver a collection of fast as well as melodic gems. This gives the whole thing a hearty and honest touch that comes straight from the heart and accompanies the words perfectly. The guitars are loud, the bass is running and the drums are driving, and the vocals are passionate. Each song is full of energy and transports strong feelings of loss, fury and a bitter self-reflection, and choruses that stick in your head. The Droogies deliver a honest and authentic performance. Some listeners might find the album a bit monotonous, as many songs have a similar structure and style, but the clean production makes up for all that and never gets boring. A classic slab I think, and you will certainly appreciate it because it conveys feelings that we all know and no one is innocent. It's just a pity that the singer later developed right-wing tendencies, but apart from that the record fits well into this theater. See for yourself!

Sunday, November 10, 2024

V/A - Keine Experimente! Vol. II 1984

It's time to relive the old days and the following Kompilation brings only positive memories back and it feels incredibly good to put this fucker out of sleep. This superb record from Weird System is an album that has caused a stir, especially in the German underground scene. This collection offers a more personal mix of relevant artists and is an absolute highlight. Just as the predecessor was a huge hit with more political stuff by essential German Punk bands, the second part is a perfect continuation and ensures a varied entertaining listening experience. Most of the beautys are only immortalized on this record and are real timeless classics that are now indispensable. Forty years have passed since then and I can look back and remember exactly how I felt at this time and how wonderful and carefree my life was, with less responsibility, fewer health issues, just living without thinking too much. And time wasn't important, now everything has become a little complicated and things have changed, not everything for the better, well, what can I say, I hate to repeat myself but getting old sucks. Overall, Keine Experimente! Vol.II is an exciting discovery that is recommended for old rockers and all newcomers who are interested in really good sounds. German craftsmanship!

1.Halt's Maul - TORPEDO MOSKAU
2.Flucht - AGEN 53
3.Treffen Bei Verdun - CRETINS
5.Ab Jetzt - VØLXFRØNT
6.Strength Thru Violence - PORNO PATROL
8.Sie Werden Nie Verstehn - EA80
9.Ein Tropfen Im Feuer - CHAOS-Z
10.Alles Geht Weiter - NEUROTIC ARSEHOLES
11.In Gefahr - CHAOS-Z
12.Besatzer' Raus - VØLXFRØNT
13.Hoffnungen - EA80
14.Reality? - PORNO PATROL
15.Was Wollt Ihr - TORPEDO MOSKAU
16.American Dream - AGEN 53
17.Dead Born Babies - TIN CAN ARMY
18.Warten Auf... - CRETINS

Saturday, November 02, 2024

TURBOSTAAT - Der Weiche Kern 7'' 2023

Turbostaat are currently on a small tour through Germany and are always happy to be guests in my house and since their ninth album will be released in January, here is a small, subtle preview of their latest 7Inch which was available exclusively in a bundle together with a tour ticket, a metal pin, a printed hard ticket of the venue and a tote bag. "Der Weiche Kern" is a cover version of the Gravenhurst song 'The Velvet Cell' and the lyrics talk about the protagonist's desire to understand murderers, which he feels he can only do by becoming one himself. He mentions that he doesn't actually like violence, but after tasting hate, he wants more. The song also highlights how there's a soft and vulnerable side to all people, and that this soft core is where the desire to kill may lurk, waiting for a trigger. - The five have long found inspiration in Gravenhurst's folk hymns: "We can't put our finger on exactly why we covered it. We've always been really enthusiastic about them. The mood and the harmonies, the sadness, the unassuming but determined nature. It felt like a part of us," says the band. After the release of this exclusive fucker follows a small Germany tour, meaning Turbostaat will be back on stage for the first time since a band member suffered a heart attack and subsequent emergency surgery and it wasn't clear whether the band would continue. The 7Inch was only available at the gigs in a limited edition. The flip has with 'Otto Muss Fallen' another rare goodie which was first brought on the Rare Tracks 2022 Compilation.