Showing posts sorted by relevance for query V/A - OX-Compilation. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query V/A - OX-Compilation. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, May 27, 2018

V/A - OX-Compilation #57 2004

Time for another OX compilation and because CD days are I have decided #54. As always a very diverse mix by bands from all the beautiful corners of our kaput world. You can imagine why I bought this Heftschä, after twenty years finally the first song of the Vorsicht Schreie slab was released. But apart from that, some old acquaintances present with new songs and many more interesting combos with very heartwarming sounds. For all collectors sure a welcome post, allow me the #53 link at this point, and for sure I'll let some follow. I must say these CD's kick a lot after a long time without listen.

1.Sechszeiler - EA80
2.The Lighter Side Of Global Terrorism - JELLO BIAFRA & MELVINS
4.Still On It - 7 SECONDS
6.Antichrist - STARMARKET
7.Asses To Ashes - CALL ME LIGHTNING
8.Smart Move, Sissy Boy - ANDTHEWINNERIS
9.Rotten Pig Iron - GHOSTRIDE
10.Accidents - ALEXISONFIRE
11.The After Dinner Payback - FROM AUTUMN TO ASHES
14.Nach Hause - PASCOW
15.Sing Song Girl - ER FRANCE
16.Nero Burning Deutschland - SCHWARZ AUF WEISS
17.Marilyn Monroe Let Go - THE DEAD
18.The Death Of Barry The Roofer With Vertigo - TOY DOLLS
19.Mr.Ramone - RAMONEZ 77
21.Mr.Brokenhearted - DEADBEATS
22.John Walker - GHOULIES
23.Go Bastards Go - BONEHOUSE
25.Always Upsettin‘ Somebody - NECK
26.Wird Sehen - ROBERT
27.Leck Mich - STROM
28.This Cynic's Fabulations - BOYS TRY BEHEADING

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

V/A - OX-Compilation #53 2003

The OX is probably the best-selling punk fanzine in Germany and I think they were the first who put music with their Heftschä, first as a 7Inch and then as a CD. This gives bands the opportunity to get to know a bit, or to promote new releases, of course for a little cash. The compilations are usually very well mixed, great covers and there is also much to discover. Here's # 53 with thirty-one fat punk rock blasts (and the only X-Mas song).

1.Little Drummer Boy - EA80
2.Sang Sans Sens - OPÉRATION S
3.Total Teen Degenerate - REAL LOSERS
4.She's Hysterical - GIRLS
5.Thrill Me - UNDERTONES
6.Spit Me Out - THE SPITS
8.Cold Cold Cookie - THE CHEEPS
9.A Blues You Oughta Get Used To - SUBSONICS
10.About Dirt - LO-LITE
11.Wrapped In Red - BLACK MONDAY
13.Economia - BULLOCKS
14.Love American - GIVE UP THE GHOST
15.Artificial Sun Kills Ideologists - A CASE OF GRENADA
16.Shining Star - SOULMATE
17.I Killed Her But That's Not The Point - THE UNFINISHED SYMPATHY
18.Count It Down - K LINE
19.Points - BLOCKO
20.University - SOLANOID
21.Love Of Mud - YUCCA
23.Blue Eyed Devil - DUMBELL
24.Hot Rod - GRINDOLLS
25.Der Mann Mit Dem Hut - CHEFDENKER
26.Herbst Im Herz - ORAL FLIPPERS
29.The Obituary Of Happiness - ADJUDGEMENT
30.More Than Less - MADSTATEWORLD
31.Pepe'ling - BARBARA ANN

Thursday, February 13, 2025

V/A - Wahrschauer CD #1 1995

Today we come to an interesting Compilation that was created by a Berlin fanzine called Wahrschauer in 1995. At that time, there was an increasing trend to include a free CD as a supplement in the Heftsche, see OX, ZAP or others, in order to introduce new bands/music to the valued readers and of course to give the respective protagonists a platform to become better known through the local scene and thus attract attention and thus enable concerts outside their radius. This didn't always meet with a positive response, some said it was only intended to increase their circulation to Punk fans, but I think it is an excellent idea, because it is the only way for the 'small' bands to have a chance of being heard. And the Berlin Wahrschauer fanzine stuck to this brilliantly, because most of the CDs featured Berlin bands and in some cases the quality was astonishing. The special thing about it is always the do-it-yourself booklet, you just have to cut out the stuff, the dimensions are excellently formatted on the jewel case and you have an excellent self-made copy, which is fun and saves money. I can't say whether that's still the case today, I bought my last fanzine around that time, in the late 90s. Today, with social networks and online reading, that's all a thing of the past, but that was innovation and you were always waiting for the new issue. Well, dear friends, that's how it is. You almost degenerate into a rotten vegetable. I still have a few of them in stock, not many, but they will come out eventually, enjoy the music. Cheers!

1.A Daily Event - GERM ATTACK
2.Voll Proll - 1.MAI 87
3.Ey, Aller - FISCHMOB
4.Time & Money - LAZY COWGIRLS
5.Shit Load Of Records - TWO SECOND MICKEY
6.2$ Haircut - STEAKKNIF
8.American Revolution - LOVE 666
9.Untoten - UNTOTEN
10.H-Story - RAWSIDE
11.Neue Wege - FUCKIN' FACES
12.Die Erfinder - DIE STRAFE
13.00679 - YETI GIRLS
14.Sag Mir Nicht - HAMMERFALL
15.Lost In Mind - SHITYRI
16.Some People - THE HIPPRIESTS
17.HAF - H.A.F.
18.Tequilamond - FLUCHTWEG
19.Story Teller - KELLY
21.Never Reached Marakesh - DREADCLUB

Sunday, May 28, 2017

V/A - La Repera 1996

Ah Fuck, unfortunately nothing with the DFB Cup yesterday and thus also next year not internationally present, after all a very good game of the SGE and congratulations to the black-yellows. Let's go to what's more pleasurable, talk about Get Baque Records. A private amateurish 'label' which specializes in rare stuff, mainly from Europe, and all music is ripped from original vinyls and it's 100% D.I.Y. and pressed in a limited edition. I think someone has digitized his record collection and shares this in form of CD-R with us, simple artwork to that and finished is a small musical highlight. I'm sure this is a lot work and takes toil and time but the result is worth the effort. This is the first GBR compilation with twenty Spanish rarities 1978-1983. Well, whether I would sell them is another story. So, thirty degrees today, time for sun.

2.Esperando En La Puerta Del WC - BASURA
3.La Pluma Electrica - KAKA DE LUXE
4.General Idi Amin Dada - MORTIMER
5.El Rey Del Pollo Frito - RAMONCÍN Y W.C.?
6.Ira Roja - RED BOX EL ROJO
7.Ya Nadie Cree En Le Revolucion - ALMEN T.N.T.
8.Tieso De Talegos - ESCORBUTO CRONÍCO
9.Matanza De Una Noche De Verano - GARAGE
10.Muevete - MOTOS
12.Descontrol - PVP
13.Te Vere A Las Diez - SPRAYS
14.1984 Euroshima - T.N.T.
15.Muérete - LA UVI
16.Felices Dias En Auschwitz - INTERTERRÖR
17.Treblinka - KGB
18.Pow 1! - OX POW
19.Inkisición - VULPESS
20.Ella Sabe (Lo Que Tiene Que Hacer) - ZOQUILLOS

Sunday, November 08, 2015

V/A - Busca En La Basura!! #3 Punk Iberico (1980-83)

Today is again Sunday and I have only this one for regeneration. So I use my time today for this Tape compilation which was released anno 1993 via Bazofia 'Zine and its full with great spanish punk stuff, some bands are known others not. A decent song selection and when you love the Iberian style like me you will not be disappointed. No idea but I'm currently in this country, I wanna move to the sun, I hate this cold season...maybe over Christmas, let's see. Make something beautiful today and enjoy sixty minutes of classics!

1.Chicos De La Calle - TOREROS AFTER OLÉ
2.Vete A Morir Al Salvador - LA BROMA DE SSATÁN
3.Violencia - ULTIMO RESORTE
4.Enterrado Vivo - ESKORBUTO
6.Kaos - NO!
7.Nacido De La Pota De Un Punk - LARSEN
8.Me Gusta Ser Una Zorra - VULPESS
9.Manos Arriba - OX-POW
10.Genocidio - MG 15
11.Enciendes Tu Motor - ESPASMÓDICOS
12.Soy Un Loco (A) Soy Un Loco Antifascista - Nº 634
13.La Policia - LA UVI
15.Ernesto - LOS NIKIS
16.¿Y Ahora Que? - LA POLLA RECORDS
17.Lili Marleen - INTERTERROR
18.Botas Y Tirantes - DECIBELIOS
19.No Queremos Mas "Rock Ramones Especial" - KANGRENA
20.Las Malvinas Son Pingüinas - CODIGO NEUROTICO
21.La Laguna Debe Morir - ESCORBUTO CRONICO
22.Un Porvenir Oscuro - COCADICTOS
23.Anti-Politica - R.I.P.
24.Maquina De Matar - EXTERMINIO
25.El Pistolon - LOS NIÑATOS
26.Derecho A La Vida - IV REICH
27.El Vampiro - DESECHABLES
28.No Queremos - CHUTE DE ESPERMA

Sunday, July 16, 2023

V/A - Teenage Rebel ... Der Sampler #1 1995

This Compilation presents you excerpts from the not unimportant label Teenage Rebel Records from Düsseldorf, which was founded at the end of the eighties, therefore are mainly bands from this area here at home. There were four editions of this series, which mostly appeared in a cardboard sleeve, and in addition to 'old' bands, some of which were newly formed at the time, the range of 'new' German bands is not uninteresting and many such Compliations were available as inserts in renowned fanzines (Wahrschauer, Ox, ZAP etc..), an original idea I think, for less money you can come to new music and choose what you like accordingly. When I ripped this CD I thought it wouldn't be read because there are some deep scratches on it but the player did an excellent job and ran brilliantly, so here it is: a cool selection of cool songs and I guess there is something for everybody!

1.Pöbel Und Gesocks - BEXXX PISTOLS
2.Am Tag, Als Ian Stuart Starb - RUHRPOTTKANAKEN
3.Tresenlied - TERRORGRUPPE
4.Die Anderen - PUBLIC TOYS
5.Fußball-Ficken-Alkohol - LOKALMATADORE
6.Viisisataa Päivää - PUNK LUREX OK
7.Know Your Name - BEAM ME UP, SCOTTY
8.It's Not My Place - BLITZKRIEG BOYS
10.Shit Family - MALE
11.Weihnachtslied / U.F.O. - DIE KASSIERER
13.Seid Betroffen - PUBLIC TOYS
14.Leck Mich Am Arsch - PÖPEL & GESOCKS
15.Happy Weekend - LOKALMATADORE
16.Polizei - MALE
17.Wen Stört's - BLUTTAT
18.Anarchie & Alkohol - DIE KASSIERER
19.Lauantaina - KLAMYDIA
20.Ilonpilaaja - LAMF
21.Ich Trink Dein Bier - LOKALMATADORE
22.Senile Hop - THE CRETINS
23.Hibernation - SILLY ENCORES
24.Heldengedicht - TAKTLOS
25.Soldat - VANDALEN
26.Bauernporno - FLEISCHLEGO
27.Schalke 04 - Liebe Im Revier - POKALMATADORE
28.Donnerwetter - ARTLESS
29.Revolution - FEINE DEUTSCHE ART

Monday, July 03, 2017

V/A - Viva La Punk 1978-1988 Vol.2

Let's continue where I stopped yesterday, and yes, they exist: Volume Two!! A Mexican label called Chinga Tu Madre Recordz has pity and released this wonderful compilation in 600 handnumbered copies, 300 copies in green vinyl and 300 copies in black vinyl, with fifteen Spanish smasher and I think a worthy successor to the first record. Healthy mix, never boring and some 7Inches of the bands in the blog. Spanish Punk Rules - Muchas Gracias!

1.Cuando Yo Reviente - COMMANDO 9mm
2.El Coche De La Plas - PVP
3.La Farmacia De Mi Barrio - TDK
4.Revolución - R.I.P.
5.Lucha Contra El Techno - LARSEN
6.Soldado Desconocido - DELINCUENCIA SONORA
7.La Gran Estafa - ULTIMO RESORTE
8.La Nueva Armada - OX POW
10.La Oración - DESECHABLES
11.Miseria Y Poder - IV REICH
12.Chicos De La Calle - TOREROS AFTER OLÉ
13.Quiero Estrangularte - PBNSC
14.Mata A Un Jubilado - SEGURIDAD SOCÍAL
15.Ciutat Podrida - LA BANDA TRAPERA DEL RÍO

Sunday, April 26, 2015

V/A - Viva La Punk 1978-1988

Pretty cool compilation with the Créme de la Créme of early Spanish punk bands, most of them are well-known and acceptable to most palates. I think, many of you need no further words and click the fuck away. Also, the weather is bad today and I think it's time to rip a damn cool record which I receive yesterday and after this another post.

1.Viva El Metro - KAKA DE LUXE
3.Ley Y Orden - LA UVI
4.Escupe - CICATRIZ
5.Baila Pogo Sobre Un Nazi - LA BROMA DE SATÁN
7.Inkisición - LAS VULPESS
9.Maroto - KGB
10.Felices Días En Auschwitz - INTERTERROR
11.Mi Degeneración - ESKORBUTO
12.A Johnny Le Gusta El Punk - FARMACIA DE GUARDIA
14.Radio Alicante Muerta - URGENTE
15.Jódete - MCD
17.Cuando Yo Reviente - COMMANDO 9mm
18.Lucha Contra El Tecno - LARSEN
19.Soldato Desconocido - DELINCUENCIA SONORA
20.La Gran Estafa - ULTIMO RESORTE
21.La Nueva Armada - OX POW
22.La Oración - DESECHABLES
23.El Coche De La Plas - PVP
24.La Farmacia De Mi Barrio - TDK
25.Revolución - R.I.P.
26.Miseria Y Poder - IV REICH
27.Chicos De La Calle - TOREROS AFTER ÓLE
28.Quiero Estrangularte - PANADERIA BOLLERIA NUESTRA
29.Mata A Un Jubilado - SEGURIDAD SOCIAL
30.Ciutat Podrida - LA BANDA TRAPERA DEL RIO

Sunday, November 01, 2020

V/A - Je Suis Né Dans Une Poubelle 1996

Welcome November, the most terrible month of the year and I want to brighten up the gray days with rare goodies and bridge the dark mood for you. And I'm starting with another rare compilation from Get Baque Records, this time with GBR 025 and this volume brings us rare pieces of French Punk 1979-1984. Many of the bands involved have released at least one single which can also be found in the blog and overall the selection is very successful as almost every CD-R from the makers, whose detectives do a very good job. In the meantime it is difficult to get these parts because some noses have blocked the sale but I recommend that you contact the responsible persons directly via discogs if you're interested. I think 100 - 500 copies exist. 

1.J'ai Vécu Tout Ca - CORAIL
2.Fidèle Au Poste - SAFETY
3.Quand Le Blitz Va Déferler - BLITZ
4.Tiens Voilà Du Sang - CHROME OZONE
5.Pochron - DIALYX
6.Suburb - OX
7.No Secret - TOXIC
8.P'tit Coeur Noir - MOKO
9.Police Call - LOS HÉROS
10.Délire - TAÏEB
11.Dejeholae Rocko - VATICAN
12.Abus De Pouvoir - Z CRAIGNOS
13.Paris S'Ennuie - JUSTIFIÉ X
14.Manège - RATICIDE
15.Lêttre D'un Bidasse - TIERS-ETAT
16.Nuit Après Nuit - VONN
17.Je Suis Né Dans Une Poubelle - ACID BOYS
18.Cherchez L'Erreur - THE BATS
19.Sous-Sol - IDENTITÉ
20.Divers Faits - SCORBUT