Showing posts with label WDM Special. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WDM Special. Show all posts

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Breakfast at MEZ Vol.2 ... are you hungry?

Last but not least, a culinary highlight. You all know meatballs and they are best made at home. My special ingredients for these are 500g minced ringer meat, an onion, a tablespoon of Dijon mustard, two cloves of garlic, minced meat seasoning, 4 eggs and salt & pepper. Then knead them thoroughly, cleaning the handles in between, of course, and then fry in olive oil... done! Why Volume 2? It's very simple, Volume 1 has already been celebrated. Have fun making it, it takes about an hour in total. And the best thing is to use the Halt! Compilation as a musical accompaniment, which is what I used today, but of course any other cool music will work too. Bon Appetit!!

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Friday, October 04, 2024

V/A - Positive Energie #2 2024

Well, Teddy was constantly urging me to finally create a sequel to Positive Energie and I finally gave in and wasted my valuable time on this and set out on the long journey to create a worthy second part.... and today after six years, dear friends, the time has come: Another example by interesting bands, this time looking a little bit beyond Germany to the rest of the continent where I live but remaining in Europe, a healthy mix of new Post-Punk and Punk sounds that deserve a mention because on the one hand they put a lot of effort and money into their records and on the other hand they conjure up dynamic songs from their repertoire that are driving and rousing in my opinion and I am overall very satisfied with this selection. Without the support of some dear friends this compilation wouldn't have been possible and my sincere thanks are lovingly mentioned in the booklet. If you are more interested in the bands' sound, check out the relevant sites on the internet and look for more information and records, it is a lively ride through new discoveries and passionate energy. And Teddy was right again, get off your ass and do something smart, it's never wrong to create something beautiful. With that in mind, enjoy this CD and maybe I'll see your Fucker here.

1.Something To Look Forward To - CLOCK OF TIME
2.Maybe I Should Leave Neukölln - GLAAS
3.Unvollendet - SCHWIMMEN
4.Dritte Klasse - MOMMY BOYS
6.Alveg Sama - BÖRN
7.Ausgeliefert - L'APPEL DU VIDE
8.Boys Don't Cry - YACØPSÆ
9.The Laundry - NOWAVES
10.Concrete Wind - CHAIN CULT
11.Excommunication - VOYVODA
12.Intrige & Libido - DIE VERLIERER
13.Cave Of Misery - CLAVV
14.Wände - MOLOCH
15.Der Schöne Schein - AUS
18.Permanent Quest - PIGEON
19.Fitted & Lost - LIIEK
20.The Sack - CLAVV
22.Kunsthochschule - REHASH
23.Returning - PLEXI STAD
24.Dunkel In Mir - VON HÖLLE
25.The Sound (Live) - JE T'AIME
26.Strafe - KALTE HAND
27.Mampe - MOLOCH
28.Dusty Economy - GO LAMBORGHINI GO

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Sunday, September 01, 2024

V/A - 14 Years Ago [Ex-WildDevilRules Compilation] 2010

This bloody Fucker, as the title suggests, is created when my old blog was still active and that time I posted it under a different name, now fourteen years later I've changed a few songs and think it's become a bit better (the back cover is still the old). There were too many D-bands on it Compilation what I had already forgotten is, there are a lot of cover versions of my favorite D-Punk band from Mönchengladbach on it. True followers of this Blog know which combo I'm talking about, but the name isn't mentioned. Those who guess it will get a washing machine for free, hehe..... Most of the songs were released in the Eighties and pressed on rare various Compis and 7Inches and all are fucking cool! It is a speciality of mine to immortalize the best of them on such useless crap that you then listen to in the car, train, plane or wherever to boost your self-confidence. Well, at least that's my reason for creating such musical delights, no profit, no self-indulgence, only for the passion of Punkrock, the attitude to life, and that's why I'm happy to share it with you. So dear ones, my plane leaves in four hours and I hope, I come back. Cheers!

2.I Want You To Be Punk - JET BUMPERS
3.Nicht Nur Ich - F.A.V.
4.Unterwasser Treibt Man's Nicht - HIRN
5.Frieden Im Land - TOLLWUT
6.No Next Time - NEW CHRISTS
7.Moderne Leute - SORGENKINDER
8.Justify Your Book - WAT TYLER
9.Jag Vill Ha En Amazon - ETIQUETTE MONA
10.Im China Restaurant - DADDY MEMPHIS & DIE OIBERTS
11.Dernier Cri - STALAG
13.Tenno - SAUSÖL
15.Système - JUSTIFIÉ X
16.Rebel Song - RED LONDON
17.Vart Ska Vi Ta Vägen? - SKAMS
18.John Merrick - PURRKUR PILLNIKK
19.Erase Today - HÜSKER DÜ
20.Besserwisser - DANSE DE PARTEMENT
21.Leck Mich Am Arsch - THE LENNONS
22.Useless Is Useless - THUMPER
23.D.K.D.L.N.S. - M.E.W.
24.Barbelé - DEPRESSION
25.Mongoloid - QUIET MEN
26.Breakin' The Toilet! - FLEISCHLEGO
27.Gewalt - AAK
28.Racing - MINX
29.Loser - JAWS
31.Drugs - RIOT .303
32.Expresso Oriente - INOCENTES
33.Rock Rural - STILLERS
34.Hey Kirby - THE VECTORS
35.Verrückt - DUST BINS
36.Count Me Out - SALVATION FUZZ
38.Auf Wiedersehen - ALBINO BAND

Saturday, March 09, 2024


Ich komme heute kurz rüber um einen wichtigen Konzertabend zu verkünden welcher heute im Exzess in Frankfurt statt finden wird und da ich zwei der Bands immer wieder gerne höre und sehe und es vielleicht einige unter euch gibt die noch keine Idee für heute haben kommt die Message eventuell noch rechtzeitig. Ich glaube, es wird sicher ein fantastischer Event und ich bin echt heiß darauf, mein letztes Live Ding ist schon so lange her, dass ich mich nicht mal erinnern kann... Starten werden Die Brennenden Wälder aus Hamburg, die mir unbekannt sind, doch ich glaube als Warm-Up eine ansprechende Wahl, ich bin gespannt. Klotzs aus Siegen, bestes Duo welches in diesem Lande herum geistert, Live stets ein Genuß. Und schließlich Fliehende Stürme aus Stuttgart, kennt jeder der sich Punkrocker schimpft und zahlreiche Alben gibbet bis dato von denen ich kaum ein schwaches nennen kann. 20:00 geht's los und ich sehe euch dort, Prost!

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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Impressions XXXI

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Sunday, September 03, 2023

V/A - Halt! 2023

All right! Now, after a long time, one more selfmade Compilation is coming and there are songs on a certain topic that I don't usually do, but this time it was a need for me and it's quite possible that a second one will follow. It's about society & people, and I took thirty-seven killers which I like and think, they're fit. This manipulated society that is trapped in those systems and marches along tightly without following their own emotions and demands, that others hate because of a pimple on their forehead and let themselves be fooled every day and are numbed by the guidelines that are presented to them. Frightening & Incomprehensible this mass social control... I'm so sick of them! Certainly not just here but everywhere and I guess you know what I'm talking about, you see it every day. Anyway, this is my small contribution from the WDM Records headquarters with a lot of help by friends. Enjoy!

1.Bullshit Society - CRUMBSUCKERS
2.Fuck The Media - ANTIDOTE
3.Schmetterling - TEAM SCHEISSE
4.I Don't Wanna Work - QUEERS
5.Cremation In Belsen - THE GROUT
6.Knowledge - NYAM NYAM
7.One And One Is Two - BADBEATS
8.Punk's Not A Fashion - STRAIN
9.Don't Classify Me - TAZERS
10.A Year Without Summer - THE DICEMEN
11.I Don't Love You - DISHRAGS
12.Get Out Of My Life - VIOLATORS
13.Und So Weiter - DIE TOTEN HOSEN
14.Sick Society - HANGOVER
15.System - CRASS
16.Ihr Nennt Es Leben - INZEST
17.Society - THE RUTS
18.Nazi School - CRACKED ACTOR
19.Linke Spießer - SLIME
20.Don't Care - BLITZ
21.Sad Society - CHAOTIC YOUTH
23.Money Talks - PENETRATION
25.Sick Society - DEEP SIX
26.Police Brutality - VICIOUS CIRCLE
27.World's Going Insane - THE INSANE
28.Society Rules - VIOLENT APATHY
29.Fuck You - THE STIFFS
30.I Like Drugs - SIMPLETONES
31.Essential Services - HERCO PILOTS
33.Just Be Yourself - NEGATIVE ELEMENT
34.Kill Someone You Hate - RED CROSS
35.Don't Believe - KRAUT
36.Insane Society - MENACE
37.Halt! - RAMMSTEIN


Sunday, April 30, 2023

Impressions XXX

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Sunday, February 19, 2023

THE CURE - More Rarities 1979-1989

Well, this nice compilation I have made a few years ago and sheds light on the first ten years and the phases the Cure have traveled through. I joined the band at the time of their first records, where they recorded short, almost punky songs, changing to dark sounds with Faith and Pornography, but always reflecting my emotions and accompanying me until the early Nineties. The last interesting album for me is Wish and after the formation changed and I couldn't relate to the '96 album anymore. The Cure were an important band and left remarkable traces in the music world and the range of their songs creates room for interpretation and listening pleasure that definitely doesn't get boring and if a band manages to accompany me a long time of my life, it is exceptional and innovative enough to recommend its name to others. Got a bit of a sore throat and the beer tastes kinda weird but I want you to enjoy every single song on this compilation and I'm sure you'll find tracks you may not have heard of. Enjoy this sucker with a glass of wine and a kiss!

It's Not You/Winter/Faded Smiles aka I Don't Know/Play With Me/I'm A Cult Hero/Going Home Time/The Violin Song/A Normal Story/Throw Your Foot/All Mine (live)/Play For Today (live)/At Night (live)/A Forest (live)/Forever (live)/Push/Lime Time/A Night Like This/The Exploding Boy/Hey You!!! (12'' Mix)/Fear Of Ghosts

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Breakfast at 15:00 MEZ... and are you hungry?

I know this post will interest a few but this platform is perfect for that, and here I can do what I want and this is not an instagram influence (for all those who found me through bubble, urrgghhhhhh). After a long weekend with music and a long sleep, even the hardest Fucker has to eat something, and maybe some of you know that I love Curry Geschnetzeltes, today with chickpeas, something new and I have to say, fucking delicious! If you would like to try the following recipe: 200g turkey, 60g noodles, curry cocktail with chickpeas in a jar, garlic, oil, salt & pepper and a fresh red paprika. Preparation time around thirty minutes, and how it tastes you will found out and that's it for today, Aloha!

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Sunday, November 06, 2022

Things that just suck!

Well friends, that's how it looks. I still had a little hope that the box would regenerate, but the picture teaches me otherwise. Yesterday I wanted to keep an eye out for a new desktop, but my mental state didn't allow it and a purchase should be made sober. Well, I like to use a Sunday to rip records, but today I spent my time doing housework. It's also necessary because I have to admit I'm not a fan of it, but when the stove looks like puke and the sink is extremely calcified, the only thing left is this wonderful work.

I also thought of using this opportunity to take a little break, life demands its everyday needs and I neglected some important decisions. But without wdthtc it doesn't work either. It's good that I still have the Lappi to continue here, but I don't like to use this part for this. I don't get bored, but I lack a bit of motivation, I feel a bit amputated without being able to pursue my hobby the way I love it. And since the world of work is taking a lot out of me, it will probably take a while, but I'm optimistic. So don't worry, it's definitely going to continue and until then there will be posts that are still on my hard drive.

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Friday, October 28, 2022

Konzert ARXX / KLOTZS / DUESENJAEGER 04.11.2022

Es gibt nach langer Zeit wieder mal einen konzert Tipp Für euch, und zwar nächste Woche im Exzess in Frankfurt. 3 mal geballte Ladung Emopunk gepaart mit agressiven Vibes der genau richtig kommt in meinen Zustand. Ich freue mich gute alte Freude von Klotzs und natürlich Duesenjaeger wieder zu treffen (ARXX ???) und nach all der persrönlichen Scheiße die mich momentan beschäftigt und die mich extrem vereinamt und mir echte Herzleiden verursachte, doch ich kann euch beruhigen, ich komme darüber hinweg auch wenn es schwer fällt. Bin total übermüdet und nur noch besoffen. Egal, die Braut ist es nicht wert und ich bin wider voll da. Genug lamentiert, kommt zum Gig und wir genießen den Abend.  

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Saturday, October 01, 2022

Impressions XIX

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Friday, June 17, 2022

Friday, April 29, 2022

SGE Victory-Burger

Well, yesterday in the Euro-League it was a good game from both teams and the Victory-Burger, which of course came with the game, did its job. The SGE has created a very good starting point and the entry into the final is within reach. What you see here is a classic burger with hand cheese (Handkäs), traditional and hearty.... and very very tasty. Easy to imitate and definitely a speciality. The anticipation for next Thursday is great and of course I'm hoping for a win and thus a trip to Seville. But let's wait and see, West Ham must put everything in and I expect an attractive second leg.

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Monday, January 24, 2022

V/A - Du Redest Zuviel... Und Zu Leise 2022

Lange hat's gedauert, doch jetzt isser fertig: Part X der kleinen WDM Records Reihe mit rarem deutschen Underground, bereits im Dezember 2021 fertig gestellt doch die Coverfrage hat einige Zeit in Anspruch genommen, denn es soll ja schick und ansprechend sein, und das ist mir sehr gut gelungen wie ihr sehen könnt (da sende ich doch gleich einen hirnlosen Gruß raus). Zuerst einmal meinen respektvollen Dank an Mr. Reinhard, meine Ösi-Connection die mich seit vielen vielen Jahren mit erstklassigen Stoff versorgt und nicht müde wird, dies auch weiterhin fort zu setzen. All diese Compilations wären ohne Ihn nicht möglich, danke hierfür mein Freund und irgendwann trinken wir mehrere Schoppen zusammen. Part X ist wieder voll mit raren Zeugs aus allen Genren deutscher Subkultur und besticht durch seine Vielfalt und Extravaganz von Bands die es hie & da zu einer 7Inch brachten, oder nur ein Demo oder Sampler Track veröffentlichten. Rock, Punk, New Wave, alles am Start und aus der Vielzahl der Stücke habe ich neunundzwanzig Nuggets zusammengestellt die essential, unentdeckt und gehört werden wollen. Ich bin sicher, Ihr werdet Gefallen an der Auswahl haben und das Warten auf Part XI  wird sich lohnen (vorherige Parts sollten online sein, müsst sie nur finden), dieser kommt dann im Herbst 2022. Wie immer ist ein Feedback von Euch gerne gesehen und ich hoffe, Ihr habt dementsprechend was auf der Pfanne, ansonsten genießt die folgenden 78 Minuten leckerer Delikatessen, die wie ein  Sommertag das Leben heller scheinen lassen. Und jetzt gehe ich ficken!

It took a long time, but now it's finished: Part X of the small WDM Records series with rare German underground, already finished in December 2021, but the artwork took some time, because it should be chic and appealing, and that's very well done in my opinion as you can see (I'll send out a brainless greeting right away). First of all, my respectful thanks to Mr. Reinhard, my Ösi-Connection, who has been providing me with first-class material for many, many years and never tires of continuing to do so. All these compilations would not be possible without him, thanks for that my friend and at some point we drink several pints together. Part X is again full of rare stuff from all genres of German subculture and impresses with its variety and extravagance of bands that made it to a 7Inch here and there, or just released only a demo or compilation track. Rock, Punk, New Wave, everything at the start and from the multitude of pieces I have put together twenty-nine nuggets that are essential, undiscovered and want to be heard. I'm sure you'll enjoy the selection and Part XI will be worth the wait (previous parts should be online, you have just to find them), and this one will come in autumn 2022. As always, feedback from you is welcome and I hope you have something in your pan, otherwise enjoy the following 78 minutes of spicy delicacies that make life shine brighter like a summer day. And now I'm going fucking.

1.Geisterfahrer - AQUARELL
3.White Lies - CROOX
5.Urwüste - GROBER UNFUG
7.Nebel - SKAMM
9.Reggae Im Regen - KNÜPPELHART
10.Mord Im D-Zug (Live) - BUBI BANDE
11.Der Liebe Auf Der Spur - M.D.K.
12.Nicht Geseh'n - ÜBERHAUPT
13.Tiroler Hut - SAITENSPRUNG
14.Disco Scheißer - GASBAND
15.Herman Ist High (Live) - NINA HAGEN & THE WILD ROMANCE
16.Volmestrand - KLEINKRIEG
17.Holiday From The Hollow Day - PUMA
18.(Bye Bye) Toulouse - FELTMAN TROMMELT
19.Sommertraum - GUMMITWIST
20.So So - SCHÖN
21.Nase Voll - FLEGELJAHRE
22.Schwarz & Weiß - RIGOLETTO
23.Weekend Love - THE STRIPES
25.Neue Welt - MARPLOTS
26.Doktor Doktor - MÜLLER, MEIER, SCHMIDT & CO.
27.Modernes Deutschland - JOD-S-11
28.Du Bist So Schön - MARION KRAMER
29.Pioniere - GRAFFITI

Friday, December 24, 2021

V/A - Skloom Al Komul! 2021

Well, as you can see, my old schoolmate Teddy is more than happy with his new girlfriend and he asked me to put some of his favorite songs together and share them with you. Of course, I would like to comply his request, even if I hardly find time and my computer soon crackes off, I have taken the trouble to create the following compilation from the extensive repertoire of his hard drive and now finally present it as the ninth release on WDM RecordsHe chose a healthy mix of old and new classics and I am very satisfied with his selection. I'm responsible for the artwork, which I think is excellent, and all this together makes this little musical composition another highlight on this damn uninteresting Blog. Wherever you are now, enjoy the days off, make the most of it and always remember, You're Not Alone!

1.Dream Within A Dream - PROPAGANDA
2.Tangled Up - CRANES
3.Alle Tage Sind Kein Sonntag - LINDEMANN & GARRETT
4.Fascination Street - THE CURE
5.Everything In Its Right Place - RADIOHEAD
6.Too Drunk To Fuck - NOUVELLE VAGUE
8.Young Folks - PETER, BJÖRN & PAUL
9.When It Rains - PINK TURNS BLUE
10.Last Caress - METALLICA
11.Strenges Mädchen - JOACHIM WITT
12.Johnny & Mary - PLACEBO
13.Coming Down - EA80
14.Los Paul - TRIO
16.Die With Your Boots On - IRON MAIDEN
17.Crystal - NEW ORDER
18.In My Life - THE BEATLES