Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Blut+Eisen. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Blut+Eisen. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, November 30, 2014

V/A - U-Boats Attack America!!! 1986

The Hamburg based label Weird System used to release songs of their records in a limited number of colored wax version (often limited to 1000 or even less) for our overseas punks. In the beginning the records were hand numbered too. Normally the records numbered higher than 1000 are in black vinyl. So this limited compilation licensed to and released by Flipside records in the U.S. only. A kind of Double Label edition. This American release showcases the greatest hits, as it were, of the label. All the bands here are still big ones in the german punk culture of the early 80's and serve up a series of blistering HC and punk cuts mandatory for those who don't have the original German recordings. Excellent, varied sampler. Weird system still exists today but it is not any longer that innovative Label it was in the early years. Today they focus on the re-release of old classics and a lot of compilations but on a very high level. Sad but true but they nearly stopped to release something fresh material. Last for this month, now I'm leavin' home to join the soccer match vs Dortmund.

2.Blutige Gesichter - NEUROTIC ARSEHOLES
3.Himmel Hilf! - BLUT+EISEN
5.Am Nächsten Tag - RAZZIA
7.Darf Ich Es Wagen Das Zu Sagen - BLUT+EISEN
8.Leichenberg - DAILY TERROR
10.Countdown - BLUT+EISEN
11.Explosion - TORPEDO MOSKAU
12.Check Your Visions - CRETINS
13.Schatten Über Geroldshofen - RAZZIA

Sunday, May 08, 2022

BLUT+EISEN - Fleisch Rollt 7'' 1984

Your butcher recommends WS 006, one of the rarest releases from Weird System and Blut+Eisen is one of my favorite German Punk bands which consisted of Capri Schotte (vocals), Super Slinky (guitars), Krösus (bass), Karl (drums), and the music of the four is absolutely settled in the top league of the Punk universe. Dynamic nervous, screechy thrashers with a sudden chorus and sharp guitar parts who pump the shit out of your fucking brainThe band's name refers to a well-known statement by our first Reich Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck, that the big decisions in history are not made through speeches and majority decisions, but only through blood+iron. The lyrics of Blut+Eisen are sometimes a bit funny, no screaming phrases, but on the other hand the necessary "seriousness" is not neglected. Pretty pissed 7Inch and b.t.w., all German posts are re-upped you fuckers.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

BLUT+EISEN - Schön Geseh'n 1985

"Hart zu sich selbst, gegenüber anderen" - Blut+Eisen is a German Punkband which you can't ignore and I'm sure a lot of you know their powerful debut album which features an energetic and thrashy sound. And with their second LP the band shine with polished lyrics, they describe the everyday horror, the sudden overturning of normal into deep, dark abyss. Bloody, sometimes sober, laconically, but mostly gripping and originally. The production is again perfect and holds the standard of the first album. Musically splendid! A band I can listen to every day and I'm glad to have both albums. They featured on the great Keine Experimente compilation and if you want more info then click here and find an interview with the band from 2008, mind you in German. - "Not Words And Reforms Will Change The World, But Blood & Iron" (Otto von Bismarck anno 1862) -  A Must Have!!!!

Sunday, May 31, 2020

V/A - Keine Experimente! 1983

In the early 80s there existed two essential labels in Germany, Aggressive Rockproduktionen (AGR) from Berlin and Weird System from Hamburg and numerous classics were published on both, while the Waterkants devoting more to the bands than AGR in terms of artwork, limited colored vinyl, lyric sheet, royalties, etc.... but both were significantly involved to give German punk socially acceptable in this country and over and above that. It wasn't as big as AGR, but their early releases count today as important cult factor. WS also became more interested in American bands from the mid-1980s and tried to give new musical impulses, great slabs were licensed and relevant contacts with overseas were created as well. Keine Experimente! was the third release and German bands were asked to send their demos with a bit of basisinfo & lyrics and the result is this fantastic compilation with largely exclusive songs, many became famous afterwards and are still among the best bands in Germany, no wonder that Vol.2 had to follow a year later. Enough Bla Bla, enjoy the old Gassenhauer and a relaxing Pentecost.

1.Ami-Fraß - RAZZIA
2.Du Denkst - BOSKOPS
3.4er-Tram - ZSD
4.Hate Your Neighbour/Feel Alright - THE BUTTOCKS
6.Alles Umsonst - BLUT+EISEN
8.Kriegszustand - RAZZIA
9.Leichenberg - DAILY TERROR
12.Deutsche Raus Aus Deutschland - THE BUTTOCKS
13.Terroristen - SS ULTRABRUTAL
14.Jacutin - BOSKOPS
15.Sex - ZSD
16.Ein Kessel Buntes - DAILY TERROR
17.You Could Be Me - SS ULTRABRUTAL


Monday, March 03, 2025

CRETINS & BLUT+EISEN - Dachau Disco 7'' 1984

Absolutely brilliant split 7inch from two German combos that I really appreciate and whose records served me well in my early days as  Punkrocker and still boom from my speakers and shouldn't be missing in any collection: Cretins and Blut+Eisen, both from Hanover and this is a rare piece from Weird System and as far as I know both tracks are only available on this little fucker. Discogs says: Dachau Disco was a new recording, first released on the infamous HanNOver FunFunFun (why hasn't this been posted yet?) Compilation, here with slightly changed lyrics to avoid any previous accusations of fascism. It's not that important, this 7Inch is a highlight of German Wertarbeit and everything fits on it. I think, the first 1000 copies came in yellow vinyl and are very sought after among collectors today. With this I have made you happy once again and now I am withdrawing into my darkness. Cheers!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

CRETINS - Live @ The Set-A-Lite 7'' 1987

The Cretins from Hanover are a German punk which I like a lot. Founded 1979 by M.O.F. Remmington (vox), Tier (drums), Trans Barbie (bass) and Hoss (guitars) and a few play also in Blut+Eisen. Their debut 7inch came out 1980 on No Fun Records and is a damn cool record with three killer tracks, Heimkind is one of my favourite Cretins songs. No wonder this cracker was re-released in 2005 with three live cuts (No Fun Festival 1980) on the b-side. After the release of the Keine Experimente II (a must have and coming soon!) compilation on Weird System the label put out a 10Inch called Man Between Walls in a limited edition of 1000 copies in 1985 and the bands sound goes more into a guitar rock direction but this not affects the punk factor. The last release is under the bandname is rare 7inch on Saturn Records and these two songs were recorded live January 1987 in Berlin @ the Quartier Latin through the Set-A-Lite concert and there exist also a video from this gig but I never see this elsewhere. Well, I will post soon their 10Inch and the Cretins changed then into Fun Fun Crisis and released a Mini-Album which is also great, Cheers, Donut! Well, the bands sound is really cool and I can't them throw away from my turntable. Enjoy this little rocket, the last for today, I leave home and ride to the stadium against Hertha BSC, for more three points!

Friday, November 05, 2021

CRETINS - Man Between Walls 10'' 1985

Hanover 1978, the Ramones number (Cretin Hop) makes the choice of the future band name easier for a couple of 13-18 year olds on their way to fame and fortune. But before they start, the instrument distribution is drawn quickly during the first practice: Mof-Remmington R. (vocals/guitars/keys), Andrew B.Evans (guitars), Frank G. T. Holl. E. Wood (bass), Carl Cesario (drums). The first gigs followed and also the first vinyl releases, a song on the legendary Hannover Fun Fun Fun compilation (recorded at the Glockensee Festival in March 1980) and their first EP Samen In Darm, both on NoFun Records. A long pause begins shortly afterwards. In 1984 the Cretins came back with a slight change in line-up and Weird System released the superb Split 7Inch with the befriended band Blut+Eisen and two more songs on the Keine Experiemente! II compilation. A year later this 10Inch followed on white vinyl, 1000 copies, and with six melodic pieces that clearly no longer have the hard punk sound of their initial phase and are already clearly taking a different musical direction. Another single followed in 1987 and then the Cretins were buried to devote themselves to new projects, which that is will come soon.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

V/A - Jung Kaputt Spart Altersheime! 1994

Let's open the icy Saturday with a tidbit of German punk culture which was immortalized by Nasty Vinyl unfortunately only on CD: Hannover Punk '78-'84. We meet old friends together with 'new' and unreleased goodies. Twenty-five dirty nasty songs, partly live and from practice rooms, who influenced the musical events in and around Hanover at the time and this small compilation offers a good insight of the former activities and highlights and it's great fun to hear the old classics again. I had them myself but gave them to a good buddy for a birthday. A few records of the bands are in the blog distributed, go and search for it.

1.Jung Kaputt Spart Altersheime - BÄRCHEN & DIE MILCHBUBIS
3.Bullenpogo - KLISCHEE
4.Samen Im Darm - CRETINS
5.Walter Sparbier Is Innocent - B-TEST
6.Rock'N'Roll Freitag - HANS-A-PLAST
7.Popper Sind Rosa - E-605
8.Jetzt Gibt's Krieg - BOSKOPS
9.Kein Problem - ROTZKOTZ
10.Schokoladenwürger - PHOSPHOR
11.Ohne Zukunft - BLITZKRIEG
12.Heimkind - CRETINS
14.Helmut Oxner - UMLEITUNG
15.Pogo Poppt Auf - BLUT+EISEN
16.Lemminger Punks - HANS-A-PLAST
18.Scheiss Punks - ALTE KAMERADEN
19.We're The Rest / Pressure Mark - ROTZKOTZ
21.Ab Ins Beerhouse - KONDENSATORS
22.Walter - CRETINS
23.B-Test Fickt Euch Alle - B-TEST
24.Feige Punx - BOSKOPS
25.Können Schweine Schwimmen? - BOSKOPS

Saturday, March 07, 2015

V/A - Life Is A Joke Vol.2 + Extra Album 1986

This post has been requested and I don't know who asked, anyway; sixteen bands from ten countries, this international compilation is the second one from the Hamburg based label Weird System series Life Is A Joke and I mean, the first record is the best from this. Here we have well known bands mixed with exotic stuff (Cyan Revue) and bands which don't interest me further. Don't get me wrong, this is a "nice" album and worth listen but when I think about the Keine Experimente comps. this serie looks a bit scarf. No matter, remarkable is the first release which was published in a limited edition as a double album with a gatefold sleeve and called "The Extra Album" and it's fuckin' rare and it's on board. In the end a good record but far from a classic.

1.Countdown - BLUT+EISEN
2.Psych-Out 129 - ANGRY SAMOANS
3.School Days - THE SQUIRT
4.Human Error - SUBHUMANS
5.Cyanide Repressative - CYAN REVUE
6.Eye For An Eye - C.O.C.
8.Reciprocate - THE DEPRAVED
9.Everybody Makes Me Barph - FANG
10.Let's Go Buy A Pizza - I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVY
11.Alles Geht Weiter - TORPEDO MOSKAU
12.A Kid's Game - N.V. BOYS
14.Criminal World - FALLOUT
15.Brain Damage - SOME WEIRD SIN

Monday, November 09, 2015

V/A - Nazis Raus! 1991

More relevant than ever, see the current circumstances every Monday in Dresden, or remember this date 1938 in Nazi-Germany or the racist riots in Hoyerswerda in 1991. I can't understand how they can deal with such a stupid ideology that brought nothing except death and destruction. I guess it's easy to throw life away and lose dignity & respect when you only feel hatred. Life is not always easy but that excused nothing. The one-way thinking is modern and easy but to have an own opinion is really not hard. Maybe this compilation helps, released via Weird System, show nineteen bands that there is another way and encourage to think about yourself.... more relevant than ever!

1.Nazis Raus! - BETONCOMBO
2.Hallo, Ich Heiss' Adolf - ABWÄRTS
4.Herrenreiter - MITTAGSPAUSE
5.Nichts Gelernt - STUNDE X
6.Schweigen - EA80
7.Fahnensog - RAZZIA
8.Nie Wieder Faschismus - DIE MIMMI'S
9.Deutsche Raus Aus Deutschland - THE BUTTOCKS
10.Party In Der Gaskammer - MIDDLE CLASS FANTASIES
11.Vaterland - MALE
12.Fünf Vor Zwölf - DIE TOTEN HOSEN
13.Seekarten - SLIME
14.Glanz & Gloria (Armes Deutschland) - BLUT+EISEN Hooligans - DIE GOLDENEN ZITRONEN
17.Gavur - EMILS
18.Dachau Disco - CRETINS
19.Faschos In Sibirien - PISSED SPITZELS

Sunday, September 15, 2019

KALTWETTERFRONT - Inkubationszeit 1980

Kaltwetterfront was founded 1978 in Hanover. The first label catalog (April 1980) by NO FUN is to read: "Although created in the context of the New Wave, KWF never understood itself as a pure New Wave or Punk band." Thus, the band fitted excellently into the exciting and varied catalog from NoFun Records.

On their debut album, the band members were Asche (bass+vocals) Michel Von Eye (drums+vocals), Anna (vocals+organ) and Bernie (guitar+vocals). On offer, the quartet had a mixture of Punk and German rock, although due to the simplicity of the songwriting and the sound of the former style outweighs clearly. A lot of value put the band on - politically correct - lyrics with which the musically still very limited possibilities were something caught. Inkubationszeit was immediately obvious, of course, because of the theme photo that reminds a bit of Commune 1, but the music had it all in. Powerrock ala Ton Steine Scherben with a good shot of punk was the musical recipe.

After the debut, the main writer Bernie left the band and the previous drummer Micha Von Eye switched to the micro. New drummer became Thomas "Tier" Wolff from the Cretins and Blut+Eisen. In 1982 the second album "Wenn Kaputt, Dann Wir Spaß" was released by Frostschutz Records. Then the air was out and the band broke up. Represented on some compilations, the important ones: Hannover Fun Fun Fun and KORN Live!

Inkubationszeit is a thoroughly entertaining album, even if it moves musically in a very manageable framework and is also very much in the lyrics of the zeitgeist. Not timeless, but rather a snapshot from the Federal Republic Of Germany in the year 1980. But it is also a lot of fun, because you can not help but dive into this era, including all good and bad memories.

Friday, October 15, 2021

V/A - German Mystic Sound Sampler IV 1993

Last Mystic stuff for now, because I'm getting slowly sluggish when I listen too much of the black sounds. Volume IV speaks and is a little more interesting than its predecessor and with more steam in the ass. Let's forget about the lame opener (gähn) and go straight to the Hamburg combo Girls Under Glass who were already guest on the second wave, who exude a hard industrial beat with loud metallic clinking guitars, pleases. The Caves is nothing special, except the singer, is this Roland Orzabal? Aurora is squeaky music and to be honest, my farts sound similar, hahaha... next track is a solid one: impulsive, spherical & beautifully monotonous and really true to the compi title. Torts Of Dartmoor starts acoustic and turns into a solid mid-tempo number but limited to the chorus from around the middle of the song and gets boring with every minute, fall leaves is more exciting. Escape With Romeo from Cologne does it better with their PostPunkMeetsModernElectronica style, a sound that flows straight into my blood, certainly not their best piece but okay. Yelworc were a duo from Munich and this is a typical dark electro beat goodie and I like this gloomy synthesizer mixed with abrasive dance-beats and definitive a highlight. Trial, please forward. Candle #10 is a musical hybrid, nothing special but not bad either. Would I create a rarity collection, I wouldn't take it. 'I Don't Love You Anymore' is a tearful, sad sad love song, and that's always part of it, no matter what genre. Not bad, the man can sing and musically very gently. Last but not least: Qntal, an electro-medieval band, active since 1991 and I remember my girlfriend in beautiful Hamburg at the time had a CD, the second album I think, and their music is relaxed and soft but I prefer DCD - quick & easy, ferddisch!

1.Profecia - CALVA Y NADA
2.Deep Inside You - GIRLS UNDER GLASS
3.Darkness - THE CAVES
4.Hereafter - AURORA
6.Welcome To The House - THE TORS OF DARTMOOR
8.Sacred City - YELWORC
9.Blut Und Eisen - TRIAL
10.Celebrate Our Death - SECOND VOICE
11.I Don't Love You Anymore - SILKE BISCHOFF
12.Por Mau Tens - QNTAL

- Special Thx to STARGAZER -