Monday, November 09, 2015

V/A - Nazis Raus! 1991

More relevant than ever, see the current circumstances every Monday in Dresden, or remember this date 1938 in Nazi-Germany or the racist riots in Hoyerswerda in 1991. I can't understand how they can deal with such a stupid ideology that brought nothing except death and destruction. I guess it's easy to throw life away and lose dignity & respect when you only feel hatred. Life is not always easy but that excused nothing. The one-way thinking is modern and easy but to have an own opinion is really not hard. Maybe this compilation helps, released via Weird System, show nineteen bands that there is another way and encourage to think about yourself.... more relevant than ever!

1.Nazis Raus! - BETONCOMBO
2.Hallo, Ich Heiss' Adolf - ABWÄRTS
4.Herrenreiter - MITTAGSPAUSE
5.Nichts Gelernt - STUNDE X
6.Schweigen - EA80
7.Fahnensog - RAZZIA
8.Nie Wieder Faschismus - DIE MIMMI'S
9.Deutsche Raus Aus Deutschland - THE BUTTOCKS
10.Party In Der Gaskammer - MIDDLE CLASS FANTASIES
11.Vaterland - MALE
12.Fünf Vor Zwölf - DIE TOTEN HOSEN
13.Seekarten - SLIME
14.Glanz & Gloria (Armes Deutschland) - BLUT+EISEN Hooligans - DIE GOLDENEN ZITRONEN
17.Gavur - EMILS
18.Dachau Disco - CRETINS
19.Faschos In Sibirien - PISSED SPITZELS

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