Monday, June 17, 2024

V/A - Attack Is Now Suicide 1988

A short appearance from me and in my mind is the next record, a fucking hot Compilation of the late Eighties and released in 1988 by the small but equally important German label Double A Records in collaboration with Americans from Phantom Records and is chock full of superb international Hardcore/Punk material with some exclusive highlights. US.Distress opens the musical ecstasy with an fucking energetic track and so it happens one after the other, short and intense songs (especially the Vatican Commandos & Dusk is a brilliant example with an unusual title and a rough sound and Dresden 45 contributes the longest track, which bears the band's name and creates a dark atmosphere). This beauty offers a diverse mix of aggressive and experimental sounds. Although not all tracks are equally strong, Attack Is Now Suicide is an interesting contemporary document of the Hardcore & Punk scene around the world of the late 1980s. The album also contains a folded insert with band photos and song lyrics which is not included within.

1.Who Possesses You? - U.S. DISTRESS
2.British Troops In Cyprus - SIC BOY FEDERATION
3.Housewives On Valium - VATICAN COMMANDOS & DUSK
4.Fjernsyn - O.H.M.
5.Bimbirimbirimbam - S.H. DRAUMUR
6.Werewolf's Life - FEAR ITSELF
7.Intolerance 2:24 - I DENY
8.When You've Got The Choice - DAWN OF LIBERTY
9.Dresden 45 - DRESDEN 45
10.Korruption - EXTREM
11.Don't Waste Your Time - COLLAPS
12.Paralized - RANCID DECAY
14.Russia Nuked Themselves - STIKKY
15.Aggression - NO FRAUD
16.Koyhat Kyykuyn - TERVEYSKESKUS
17.Breakfast Of Champions - PROBLEM CHILDREN
18.Call For Freedom 3:14 - ASOCIAL
19.Ain't No Crime - DAMAGE
21.Fuck S.A.C.E.M. - PIN PRICK
23.Can't Reach Me Now - AFFLICT

Saturday, May 25, 2024

V/A - BG Hronika Vol.3 [Tape] 1991

Last volume of this small tape Compilation series from U.P.C. with even more bands from former Yugoslavia. I thought there were only two volumes but the network of friends sometimes works well and so I was able to enjoy this fantastic sucker which, like its predecessors, has a lot to offer, very good songs by twelve bands, variable and all in an excellent quality. You won't die of a heart attack while listening to, but the level of rough sound and unconditional hardness will melt the paste of the wallpaper. Jaja, and the beer tastes more intense in the early morning, believe me.

1.Djenka - S.M.F.
2.Burek - S.M.F.
3.Cvikam Žicu - S.M.F.
4.Pig Is Dead - E.H.E.
5.Pijani Odred - E.H.E.
6.Ciga - N.M.I.
7.Bazni Krastavci - N.M.I.
8.Boško, Potkuj Ga - N.M.I.
9.Double Mind - PERSONAL RAIN
12.Our Town - BAD TASTE
13.Paradise Town - URGH!
14.Acid Rain - URGH!
15.I'm Looking Forward To A Nuclear War - URGH!
16.Svi Na Stadion - ŠAHT
17.Ti Želiš Oi! - ŠAHT
18.Smrtna Presuda - KRVAVI PROTOKOL
19.Male Bebe - ŽIVOTINJE
20.Nikad Neću Moći - ŽIVOTINJE
21.Rock'N'Roll - POBUNA
22.Maj - POBUNA
23.Ludilo - POBUNA
25.Čistićete Ulice - DIREKTORI
26.Feniks - MISTER NO

- Great Thx to Rexx -

Sunday, May 19, 2024

THE STAR CLUB - Cool Posers! (Early Singles 1977-83) 1999

🎵 This unofficial Compilation by the Star Club from Nagoya is a real blast and features five early 7Inches from 1977-1983 and has nineteen energetic wild nuggets in its suitcase. The band is active since 1977 and has released many albums and singles in their lifespan and simply never tires of creating their excessive Punkrock with pure passion. Their records are relatively difficult to obtain in Europe and I am a big fan of such releases which become rarities. For everyone who already knows the Star Club, this album is a perfect selection and brings all the hits together, those who don't know them will be thrilled. Enough words, I'll fulfill your re-upp requests next week and now I have to go on to the Whitsun backgammon marathon, first prize is a vacation in Hawaii...... enjoy the music! 🎵

Saturday, May 18, 2024

BAD RELIGION - No Control 1989

Now another classic fucker from the great wide ocean of the outsider-league and we're talkin' bout Bad Religion with their fourth record and it's not difficult to write a positive review. If you like Suffer you will also like No Control and the Eighties were the best time for Bad Religion from Los Angeles in my opinion. It's stylistically faster than its predecessor, owing more to HardcorePunk. Additionally, it was the bands first album not to feature a line-up change from the previous one. "This record simply and forcefully continue the shift, delivering a pummel of melodic songwriting made sharp by Greg Graffin's populist cynicism and the stinging barbs of a twin-guitar strike." (Johnny Loftus) A sentence that sums up fifteen songs in a short, fitting way and it's no wonder this piece of wax has received generally favorable reviews in the years since its initial release and I always enjoy listening to the aggressive and expressive pieces, that helps me survive, you know (note: this is an old vinyl rip in 192kBit/s but kicks excellent) Today's a long strawberry soccer day - I'll be back!

Thursday, May 09, 2024

HUNGRY FOR WHAT - The Shattered Dream EP 1985

A nice, pleasant day is coming to an end and I still find time to do the second post that was announced for today, a big sorry again to everyone who is waiting for their emails to be answered, I want to do this at the weekend. Let's welcome this Swiss combo Hungry For What which released a few records and this is their 12Inch with five solid powerful goodies on Farmer Records and this domestic album introduces their PopPunk sound to American audiences. From Switzerland (originally in a 70’s Punk band Sozz), these guys combine power and great tunes into an early Clash-like sound. I particularly like the harmonica in the second song, which works brilliantly as a rhythm instrument and gives the sound even more drive. Don't hear that often! Overall a decent record and it's a miracle I managed to get a few more lines out. Good Night und auf bald!

THE DICKIES - Stukas Over Disneyland 1983

An enjoyable and recommended listen is the third mini album by the Dickies which was released after a four-year silence by PVC Records with eight wonderful nuggets. I quote a perfect review: the Dickies first vinyl in almost four years ranks up there near their previous funnypunk triumphs. Most of the eight songs here veer toward amphetamine pop, with irresistible layered choruses to boot, but the highlights include the poppish “Rosemary,” “She’s a Hunchback,” and an incredibly fast cover of LED ZEP’s “Communication Breakdown.” Buoyant and entertaining as hell! (Steve Spinali, MRR #12 • March 1984) I undoubtedly go along with that and start this warm day off, which will follow with a second post shortly. Re-upps are also finished if anyone asks.

Sunday, May 05, 2024

V/A - Rapsodie 1986

Fantastic Compilation which came out via Jungle Hop International and is dedicated to French Punk/Hardcore and full with rare and exclusive blasts by eleven bands. The first pressing came with a yellow cover and this blood was released a year later, comes with a nice lyric/info-sheet just the way I like it. And there's nothing more to say, I'm a bit kaputt from yesterday, too much alcohol and little sleep. Enjoy the record and the sun and keep your good mood.

1.Psaulme 1 - ZOI
2.B - ZOI
3.Psaulme 3 - ZOI
4.Kommando - HEIMAT-LOS
5.Brutal Thanksgiving - HEIMAT-LOS
6.L'ennemi Réel - FINAL BLAST
7.Minority - FINAL BLAST
8.Anti-Vivisection - COCK ROACHS
9.Hard-Core Isn't A Fashion - COCK ROACHS
10.20 Heures - M.S.T
11.Fascist Fashion - DRAFT DODGERS
14.L'homme Qui N'a Pas D'âge - KROMOZOM 4
16.Holocauste Animal - SCRAPS
17.Macho Klan - SCRAPS
18.Invasion - RAPT
19.Rambo - BUTCHER

Saturday, May 04, 2024


Formed in 1976 and hailing from Birmingham, the Suburban Studs consisted of Eddy Zipps (vocals/guitar), Keith Owen (guitar), Paul Morton (bass), Steve Pool (drums) and with their already punky sounding name were one of the first bands to be signed to an independent, the equally punky sounding Pogo Records, and marketed through the major label WEA Records. In their time they released two 7Inches and even an album within a year, a feat not reached by many a Punk band of the time. Originally featuring the sax antics of Steve Heart the instrument was felt to be inappropriate to their sound and he left to start the Neon Hearts.

The Suburban Studs were active live throughout 1976 but were a different looking proposition then with a more glam look. Supports at the time included The Runaways. They played their first London gig at the 100 Club on the 31st August '76 supporting the Sex Pistols and The Clash. A quote from a Sounds review by John Ingham appears The Clash book "Last Gang In Town" where he describes their set as 'a laughable mixture of tacky jumpsuits, tacky make-up, tacky props and tacky music'. The Studs also headlined over the Clash on the 27th of October '76 at Barbarellas in Birmingham, this time complete with haircuts and a more Punk image, though still playing the same dated glam set as they did at the 100 Club. Gigs at the usual suspects like the Marquee, Vortex, Roxy Club and Barbarellas and tours even supporting the likes of AC/DC and The Runaways did nothing to break the band. Not even a John Peel session broadcast in December 1977 or appearing in a Punkrock special on ATV helped.

WEA supported with marketing and also helped land them on the double Live At The Hope And Anchor album with a live version of 'I Hate School' along with The Stranglers, 999, X-Ray Spex & The Saints among others. Their WEA Press release which accompanied their album Slam l is suitably hyperbolic and manages to sadly spell the bands name wrong in the first sentence! WEA Press Release Born in the slums of the Midlands and educated with street level certificates, the Surburban Studs are deeply involved with their music. "We're fed up with rock superstars", said lead vocalist Eddie Zipps. Their music has got fuck all to do with living on the street today. We live in a slum... You've got to play music, that's life, that creates a situation. Their debut album 'Slam' reflects the seamier side of life and focuses on Suburban Studs instinct. Unfortunately the music didn't live up to the hype. Mediocre album reviews in the music weeklies didn't help either. PR was reduced to occasional gossip including the singer being subject to random Punk violence which was prevalent at the time and the shenanigans of their fans when two girls at their Thames Poly gig flashed their breasts on stage, daubed graffiti & set off fire extinguishers. With no sales the band who were astute enough to jump on the Punk bandwagon couldn't progress further and just fell off the Punk map.

Having said that however, the single Questions/No Faith (1977 Pogo Records) is a peach as good as any. Classic driving overdriven punk at a frenetic and heart attack inducing pace. Steve Harrington (sax) who was later in the Neon Hearts played on the first version of Questions/No Faith (July 1977) which was withdrawn, both tracks were re-recorded when Harrington left to start the New Hearts and e-released in November 1977, this time with "No Faith" as the A-side. Slam their album feels like Punk by numbers. All the ingredients are there but there's something missing and that's a spark. For once I think the reviews of the time got it right. Like the art work on Slam below? They couldn't get straight jackets from anywhere and in the end had to have them tailor made. Their only other single was I Hate School/Young Power (1978 Pogo Records) pulled from their album and this time reusing the album over in monochrome. They are also on the Live at the Hope & Anchor Compilation (March 1978) again singing I Hate School in the company of The Stranglers, 999 and X Ray Spex. Ironic as one of them went on to become a teacher.

While bands like Eater and Menace never got a John Peel radio show, the Suburban Studs did which aired on 22.11.77 and which featured "Suburban Stud, I Hate School, Necro, No Faith" and that was it! (source: punk77)

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

RAZZAPPARTE - Gente Senza Poesia EP 1999

Now an Italian Oi! five piece from Viterbo which is active since 1995, and Razzapparte are Flavio (vocals), Angelo & Giacomo (guitars), Stefanino (bass), Emanuele (drums), and this is their debut EP on Resta Rude/Oi! Strike records and we listen to six energetic catchy numbers with a nice guitar sound. Their musical style reflects the members' subcultural Skinhead & Punk attitudes and they not afraid to offer numerous various music styles. Razzapparte, although not considering themselves a militant band, have always taken a stand against racism and the political exploitation of the subcultures and musical styles to which they refer. The group appears on numerous compilations and has released a decent couple of records through their twenty years of existence and received a warm welcome from specialized critics who generally recognized its originality both on a lyrical and musical level and in its approach to the traditional themes of Oi!. The five present an excellent example of how a strong personality is enough to make any form of musical expression original, be it new or old, experimental or conservative.

V/A - United Skins 1982

Today a nice Compilation that was released on the Boots & Braces record label in the early Eighties and the album title has a fundamental meaning. At that time there were significant fights or conflicts in the skinhead scene that were rather stupid and unnecessary. Of course also because of the right-wing scums who called themselves skinheads and had no idea where the culture came from (unfortunately it remains unchanged to this day). I think I don't have to use my mental cells any further, you know the stories, but you don't know where I got the record from. I bought them at a flea market in Berlin many many years ago and I was quite surprised to see them offered for so little bucks, apparently the record god meant well for me. Today you'll have a hard time getting the original because it's banned through the usual channels, which I think is absolutely ridiculous. All seven bands were by no means right-wing at the time and their songs are good and belong to Oi like alcohol to beer. Of course, everyone knows today that Skrewdriver took a broken path and that's the only reason why the slab has become a rarity. Crazy, right! But that is humanity: stupid and extremely stupid. Well, I'm open now an alcoholic drink, enjoy the day off and see what else can happen here today. Enjoy the music!

1.Bloody Bouncers - CONTROL ZONE
2.Anti-Social - SKREWDRIVER
3.Life In A Plastic Bag - T-D-A
4.Swearing Session - ACCUSED
5.Take Him Away - SEDATED
6.Wicked Women - WARRIOR
7.Boots & Braces - SKREWDRIVER
8.Lament Of The Terraces - MICK FURBANK
9.T-D-A - T-D-A
10.I Hate You - ACCUSED
11.Rebel - SEDATED
12.Johnny Johnny - CONTROL ZONE