After renewing some Bloodstains posts I add another gem of this series, this time with massive hits from Ex-Yugoslavia, we stay also on the Mediterranean Sea, the place I love and now would to be. Today it gets very frosty again and I hate winter but maybe this hot compilation helps with twenty two glowing stars to get my engine started, who knows? Fact is, today is Friday, soon is weekend, I drink a delicious caramel coffee and I'm amazingly fit. To the slab not much: the créme de la créme of early Yugo-bands are here together and the song selection is quite superb and by using the search function you'll find plenty records of the bands (sure not online anymore, ask for a re-upp). The bike remains in the closet, subway preferred. Wish everyone a nice weekend!!
1.Bolje Da Nosim Kratku Kosu - PEKINŠKA PATKA
3.Lepi In Prazni - PANKRTI
4.Moj Život Je Novi Val - PARAF
6.Grad Izobilja - PROBLEMI
7.Vremenska Prognoza - TERMITI
8.Smej Sei - KUZLE
9.Ostan Idiot! - KUZLE
10.Vahid - KUZLE
11.Vkoto Sveta - BULDOGI
12.100 Db - INDUST BAG
13.TV (Ecerna Revolucija) - LUBLANSKA - PSI
14.Bila Je Tako Lijepa - PEKINŠKA PATKA
15.Visokotiražni Mir - PARAF
16.T Kao Krava - PARAF
17.Kruha In Iger - PANKRTI
18.Jest Sem Na Liniji - PANKRTI
19.Sedemnajst - PANKRTI
20.Ja Sam Mladić U Najboljim Godinama - PRLJAVO KAZALIŠTE
21.Kratkovidi Magarac - PEKINŠKA PATKA
22.Kontracepcija - PEKINŠKA PATKA