Thursday, August 13, 2020

SIXTEN REDLÖS - Slå Alarm 1987

After two brilliant EP's followed the only full-length by Sixten Redlös from Jonköping on S-Skivor with ten solid mid-tempo pieces. I must say that I like their single songs better, there is more fire in them. The record is too clean produced and somehow not that attractive, certainly a question of taste. Nevertheless an album with some hits and I'd rather put this slab on than any other 2000er release. Besides, a decent thunderstorm is raging here and it's damn muggy.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

ZARAMA - Gaua Apurtu Arte 1985

Second record by this Basque Country band from Santurze on Discos Suicidas and they're part of the Basque Radical Rock genre. And again they recorded thirteen decent songs on their second album with good speed, joy of playing; the only drawback: seems a little powerless, probably due to the lazy production (the year before it was flawless on Indarrez (Por La Fuerza). Anyway, definitely worth hearing and since I don't feel like it anymore, that's it for today in this theater. I need a cooling-off as well because today again over thirty degrees and that sucks older men like me...

THE EXCESSIVES - Wild Waves 1989

A pretty cool dynamic debut album by the Excessives from Mechelen on Bums Records and in their short lifespan the four, Johan (vocals), Stef (guitars), Hermann (bass),  El Loco (drums), made three albums and they're at home in splendid garage rock with a high punk factor. Actually one blast chases the other and fifteen songs in just under thirty minutes testify powerful, to the point mines. The whole record is surprisingly homogeneous and a highlight (next to the other fourteen pieces) is certainly the ingenious and worth hearing cover version of the Motörhead classic Ace Of Spadesyou shouldn't miss that. Two EP's were still released and they were rarely featured on compis, one of them Double Shot is a cool one.

- Great Thx to Nolti -

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

FEHLFARBEN - Monarchie & Alltag 1980

One more essential record is the debut by Fehlfarben on Welt-Rekord/EMI, formed 1979 by members of Mittagspause and other musicians in Düsseldorf. A bit wiki info: Fehlfarben settled into a sound perhaps most comparable to their English contemporaries Gang Of Four. Signing a contract with the German subsidiary of EMI lost them their status as an underground band, but in 1980 they released their debut, Monarchie und Alltag (Monarchy and everyday life), an album recognized then and now as one of the most important German-language rock records. Despite its cultural impact, Monarchie & Alltag did not reach gold status in Germany until 2000. The single Ein Jahr (Es Geht Voran), which would be their only hit single, was in fact disliked by the band members themselves, who had initially produced its slick disco groove more in jest than seriousness. Shortly after having released their debut album, Fehlfarben suffered the departure of lead singer Peter Hein owing to his frustration at the follow-up tour's being lengthened from three to six weeks on short notice. He went back to his day job at Xerox, where he worked until 2003. The band released two more albums without Hein during the 1980s, 33 Tage In Ketten and Glut & Asche, with only the latter making it onto the German charts. After struggles with their label, they disbanded at the end of 1984. They come back with all original members 1990s and two more albums were made but their sound is far away from the old goodies. Anyway, this record is fantastic in all respects.

Monday, August 10, 2020

BUTTER UTTER - Legacy 2017

Butter Utter, from Gävle I think, already released their first EP Jävlarnas Jul in 1977 on Leonid Brezjnev Records and is one of the first punk records in Sweden. Now more fantastic recordings (1977-1982) of this combo were discovered in the archives and banned on this little compilation, 300 copies, and I can only say: FAMOS!! The four manage to conjure up a varied sound from punk to power pop, ballads and good rock'n'roll, partly fantastic sixties sound, is due to the keyboard that reminds me a lot of the Doors. I really enjoy the album and beautiful melodies confirm their joy in playing and making music. It's a shame that the album took so long, but better now than never. About the band I can't say anything but there's a bit info inside. Hardly found on compilations, two of that worth mentioning: Bloodstains Across Sweden & 22 Punklåtar En Till Varje Kapitel. Enough blah blah, take almost forty minutes and listen to this fantastic music!

- Great Thx to Fredrik -

Sunday, August 09, 2020

V/A - Not So Quiet On The Western Front 2LP 1982

Let's start the church service with a terrific compilation and I'm glad I wasn't allowed to rip it because such a mammoth work requires a lot of time and a comfortable chair, especially when there's a nice booklet with lots of information within. The material is not unknown in Blogland and I already had a copy, but this rip here is excellent, no wonder, because I know where it comes from. Released by Maximum RockNRoll (one of the best sources for objective reviews and band infos) on Alternative Tentacles as double album and features forty-seven Northern California and Nevada bands (a few known elsewhere, most not), and ranges from punk to hardcore and comes with 48-page zine on the bands. Since I'm lazy to write and I'm not a good reviewer anyway, you can find a fitting one on punknews and before I close, a quick footnote: the link runs through zippy and you have to activate your VPN. Finally, a metaphysical sentence from the back cover: "If Punk Is Dead, What The Hell Is This?" In this sense, enjoy the music!

1.Intensified Chaos - INTENSIFIED CHAOS
2.Their Mistakes - SOCIAL UNREST
3.Dan With The Mellow Hair - NAKED LADY WRESTLERS
4.Holocaust - M.A.D.
5.Rich Plastic People - KILLJOY
6.Fun With Acid - FANG
8.Collapse - RIBSY
9.Annihilation - CRUCIFIX
10.I Don't Wanna Die For My Country - SQUARE COOLS
11.Pay Salvation - LOS OLVIDADOS
12.What Price Will You Pay? - CODE OF HONOR
13.Fuck Your Amerika - 7 SECONDS
14.Race War - UNAWARE
15.Turmoil - FRIGIDETTES
16.Don't Conform - 5TH COLUMN
17.Shrunken Heads - GHOST DANCE
18.A Child And His Lawn Mower - DEAD KENNEDYS
19.All I Know - REBEL TRUTH
20.Learning Process - PARIAH
22.Praise The Lord / Pass The Ammunition - IMPATIENT YOUTH
24.Assassination Attempt - DEMENTED YOUTH
25.The Only Good Cop. . . - MDC
26.The Few, The Proud, The Dead - KARNAGE
28.Dead Porker - NBJ
29.Human Farm - WHIPPING BOY
30.Worker Bee - ANGST
31.Premature Enlistment - FREE BEER
32.Sacrifice - FLIPPER
33.No One Listens - VENGEANCE
34.S/M Nightmare - JUVINEL JUSTICE
35.Fat, Drunk, & Stupid - SECTION 8
36.Libyan Hit Squad - TONGUE AVULSION
37.Off To War - MANIAX
38.Strike Out - VICIOUS CIRCLE
39.Breakout - UXB
40.Shitcan - SCAPEGOATS
41.The Oven Is My Friend - CHURCH POLICE
42.Systems Suck - DEADLY REIGN
43.Dead Men Tell No Lies - NO ALTERNATIVE
44.Punk Is An Attitude - WRECKS
46.No More Riots - BENT NAILS
47.New Left - M.I.A.

- Great Thx to Fredrik -

Saturday, August 08, 2020

THE FREEZE - Rabid Reaction 1985

Let's visit Cape Cod, Massachusetts and honor a fantastic combo who release absolutely brilliant records and live are a real pleasure: The Freeze with their second album on Modern Method Records and it is equipped with ten mid-tempo nuggets, speedy melodies and smart inspired lyrics with piercing social observations, recorded by Cliff (vocals), Bill (guitars), Pete (bass), Lou (drums) and I can only say: Top Record! And if you wanna hear the gents live I recommend the rare album Live From Cape Cod which came out 2007 and was recorded @ the Mill Hill Club, 12.April 1980 and I guarantee you a special experienceOne of the greatest American punkbands of all time and they're still active and they may come into your town!

Friday, August 07, 2020

VITAMIN A - Anarchie In Disneyland 2003

Damn rare record by Rotten Totten Records and this Berlin label is known for its small editions. Specializing in rare punk from the early years from the capital, Vitamin A came from Neukölln and consisted of Erbse (vocals), Norman (guitars), Ronnie (bass), Torpedo (drums) and apart from compilations the band didn't put anything on vinyl. Side A contains these recordings while the B-side provides us ten songs from their demotape, but in modest quality. Howsoever, the makers of RTR do a very good job and we are grateful for that, 200 copies of this beauty were pressed. Enjoy your damn hot weekend!

Thursday, August 06, 2020

UPROAR - Never Forgive 1985

This band shots forward vehemently with their second album on Underground Records. Uproar is a four piece from Peterlee/County Durham and started under the name The Demented in 1980, on this record are involved Stu (vocals), Baz (guitars), Woody (bass) and Gav (drums). Tim Yohannan reviews in MMR #38, July 1986: "A big sound, classic Britpunk sound - lots of production, accent on vocals and choruses. Professional punk from England." I would say short and sweet but there is nothing to add, remarkable two cover versions of old classics which they celebrate properly. This stuff was released via the German label Wave Records and they also guest on a few solid compilations and their last sign of life was the 2017 album Waiting For The Revolution which they self released, I think they're still alive so watch out for gigs and more records and the album title "Never Forgive" also suits the seventy-fifth anniversary of the atomic drop by the American army on Nagasaki, but that is pure coincidence.

- Great Thx to Fredrik -

Wednesday, August 05, 2020

THE SUBHUMANS - No Wishes, No Prayers 1983

Second and final album by the Subhumans, a Vancouver band, on SST Records, a bit info about this record: In 1981, just back from a gruelling tour across the continent which included a full-scale police riot in LA and other harrowing events, Gerry and Jim left the band. They were replaced by bassist Ron Allan and drummer Randy Bowman for more gigs and touring, working up for this album with twelve catchy punkies and like their debut Incorrect Thoughts highly recommended. A good review for you: "An aggressive ’77-punk style melds with strong lyrics to create brilliant cuts like “America Commits Suicide” and a very catchy version of “Googolplex”; there’s even a killer cover of MENACE’s “Screwed Up” to satisfy Britpunk enthusiasts. All we can do now is hope that they get back together and tour." (Steve Spinali, MRR) - There's nothing to add and all those who asked for re-upps, will come tomorrow.
