Today we come to an interesting Compilation that was created by a Berlin fanzine called Wahrschauer in 1995. At that time, there was an increasing trend to include a free CD as a supplement in the Heftsche, see OX, ZAP or others, in order to introduce new bands/music to the valued readers and of course to give the respective protagonists a platform to become better known through the local scene and thus attract attention and thus enable concerts outside their radius. This didn't always meet with a positive response, some said it was only intended to increase their circulation to Punk fans, but I think it is an excellent idea, because it is the only way for the 'small' bands to have a chance of being heard. And the Berlin Wahrschauer fanzine stuck to this brilliantly, because most of the CDs featured Berlin bands and in some cases the quality was astonishing. The special thing about it is always the do-it-yourself booklet, you just have to cut out the stuff, the dimensions are excellently formatted on the jewel case and you have an excellent self-made copy, which is fun and saves money. I can't say whether that's still the case today, I bought my last fanzine around that time, in the late 90s. Today, with social networks and online reading, that's all a thing of the past, but that was innovation and you were always waiting for the new issue. Well, dear friends, that's how it is. You almost degenerate into a rotten vegetable. I still have a few of them in stock, not many, but they will come out eventually, enjoy the music. Cheers!
1.A Daily Event - GERM ATTACK
2.Voll Proll - 1.MAI 87
3.Ey, Aller - FISCHMOB
4.Time & Money - LAZY COWGIRLS
5.Shit Load Of Records - TWO SECOND MICKEY
6.2$ Haircut - STEAKKNIF
8.American Revolution - LOVE 666
9.Untoten - UNTOTEN
10.H-Story - RAWSIDE
11.Neue Wege - FUCKIN' FACES
12.Die Erfinder - DIE STRAFE
13.00679 - YETI GIRLS
14.Sag Mir Nicht - HAMMERFALL
15.Lost In Mind - SHITYRI
16.Some People - THE HIPPRIESTS
17.HAF - H.A.F.
18.Tequilamond - FLUCHTWEG
19.Story Teller - KELLY
21.Never Reached Marakesh - DREADCLUB