Monday, February 17, 2025

MYSTERY GIRLS - Rock'N'Roll With Helen & Jenny EP 1983

Now a record I know absolutely nothing about and by the looks of things it was never released. They were at home in Switzerland and never released an official record. Fact is, two girls on the microphone, Helen & Jenny, and they were supported by Brian (guitars) and Zmotron (bass/drums) and I give you the valuable information, from unknown source, that was included: "Back in 1983, Mr. Ratboy was Brian Blade, the guitarist for The Mystery Girls, a Shangri-Las/Dolls/Modern Lovers-influenced combo whose only recorded legacy is a very rare acetate 33 RPM single, limited to only five copies with a xeroxed cover. The four tracks featured here are the far-superior demos recorded in Switzerland with a full band that included not only the future World Famous Mr Ratboy, but also the enigmatic Zmotron, who went on to play in an early incarnation of the Dogs D’Amour under the name Mark Draxx." Why this fantastic EP didn't make it to the public is a mystery, because all the four goodies are a solid mix of Punk, PowerPop, Indie and so on, deliciously played and as tasty as my meatballs yesterday, a bit more melodic and spicy enough, and the vocals are absolutely delicate. Fantastic record in every way and one that captivated me from the start, love is so diverse and always a beautiful topic. Forget all the stupid artificial pop crap when you’ve heard this.

 - Great Thx to Nolti -


  1. No, these Mystery Girls were nothing to do with the NY band of the same name. This band was Swiss, and was our guitar player's first band (Mr Ratboy). They recorded seven or eight tracks in total, all unreleased.

    1. Thx for your comment, I fixed it immediately.

  2. Thanks for this one. Totally unknown to me but great,Great,GREAT!

  3. Tach, wilder Teufel!
    Hahaha... du mußt da was verwechseln... von mir haste das nicht. Die DYAKS & HOT ROCKS Acetate von neulich - die waren von mir...
    Und nun zu dieser Scheibe... das hat mich jetzt echt interessiert und es ist wirklich nix vernünftiges dazu zu finden:
    MYSTERY GIRLS - Rock'N'Roll With Helen & Johnny - hast du geschrieben... die Frauen heißen aber laut Cover Helen & Jenny.
    Im Übrigen dürfte die Scheibe MYSTERY GIRLS - Rock'N'Roll With The Mystery Girls' heißen. Jedenfalls lese ich das so aus den wenigsen Links, die ich dazu gefunden habe:
    (das scheint die Ursprungsseite zu sein - der Link ist aber jetzt tot)
    Ansonsten ist echt nüscht zu finden... auch zu den einzelnen Bandmitgliedern bin ich auf kein Ergebnis gekommen.
    Mir sagte mal jemand, daß man über KI sehr intensiv suchen kann - aber damit kenne ich mich nicht aus... du eventuell?
    Würde mich interessieren... sind echt gute Songs!
    Grüßchen aus Berlin,
    Deine Seite ist immer wieder geil.

    1. Doch, die kam von dir über deine letzte Email, daher Dank an Dich mein Lieber.

  4. The same Mr. Ratboy who was in Sour Jazz? Thanks for this rare share!
