Saturday, February 08, 2025

HEAVY MÄDELS - Durchdrehn EP 1989

Today a little record that I'm sure many have been waiting for and since I'm a happiness maker, hahaha, I don't want to withhold this nugget from you. We are talking about the Heavy Mädels from Sindelfingen and they are the progenitor of Mädels No Mädels and this is their only 7Inch with six fantastic blasts on FAE Musik. They didn't have a big breakthrough, but here they sound musically rougher and the lyrics are also much more aggressive than later. Musically varied and definitely at home in '77 punk, plus the rich production, which in my opinion is rather untypical for a debut, makes this little piece of heaven essential. Bold melodies and damn authentic, that's what dirty Punkrock should sound like.


  1. Man, you just made my day! I can't believe you found this rare 7". I used to listen to it all the time and I was lucky enough to have seen them in that formation (still with Ulrike on vocals) before they became Mädels No Mädels. This band only became better over time, but this 7" is still my favorite, especially "Big Brother"! During their concerts, they always gave away little Jägermeister bottles to the audience while they were playing the Jägermeister song, which made it onto their fantastic deput LP "Doggy Style".

  2. In all that excitement, I forgot to say: THANK YOU!!! You're the best!!!

  3. If at all possible, do you think you could post this single in FLAC or WAV? Usually, I don't care at all about FLAC/WAV format, but I feel compelled to preserve this ultra-rare 7" in the best possible quality. I think it's fair to assume that we will never see this on any of the dumb streaming services .... lol ....
    The same request for "Doggy Style" as well as for Resistors!

    1. Baby, if I ever find time for this, I'll gladly come back to it

    2. Thank you in advance [...] if you ever get to it LOL. Either way, I'm very grateful! These 7" singles are impossible to find!

  4. Geil!!! Ich bin ein Fan dieser Band, seit du sie uns mit ihrem ersten Album vorgestellt hast. Hab damals nur wegen dem Cover zugegriffen. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, die neue Single zu hören! Ich höre Doggy Style jetzt schon seit Monaten ununterbrochen. Hoffentlich heisst das, dass noch mehr con denen kommt. Danke, dass du immer wieder hervorragende deutsche Punkbands vorstellst!

  5. Freut mich immer wieder ne gute Punk Kombo ausserhalb NRW zu finden. Danke Dir. Die andere Platte von denen hat mir auch schon gefallen! Aus Sindelfingen kenn ich nur WiZo. Sie hätten die Mädels mit auf Tournee nehmen sollen.

  6. Blimey! What a nice surprise. I was impressed with their other record you shared last year. Thank you for pointing out it's the same band as Madels No Madels. I still can't believe they're not a British band!

  7. Thanks a lot, dude! I used to be stationed in Böblingen (city right next to Sindelfingen) and used to see bands there like Wizo, Madels, From Outer Space, The Simons, Die Anfanger, ... what a thriving Punk scene for a fairly small community. I only had the Failures album before you shared Doggy Style (what a killer album) and now this single, which almost has a NEW WAVE feel to it. I love the song "NO RAIN". THANK YOU for saving the world from Mainstream bullshit!

  8. Wow, this is fucking amazing. I just checked it out because of the funny cover. I also just downloaded the other album you shared by them (thanks for referencing it in the text) and it's even better! Do you have any more of their stuff?

    1. Not at the moment, maybe something else will come in.
