Saturday, March 18, 2023

MÄDELS NO MÄDELS - Take That! EP 1998

By popular demand, finally Punk from Sindelfingen by Mädels No Mädels who have been celebrating their cutting '77 style dance music since 1989. Originally founded as Heavy Mädels they released their first EP under this name on FAE Musik. This was followed by the renaming to Mädels No Mädels and since then several singles and three albums have been born. They haven't all the qualities of a successful band, that doesn't let anything or anyone get in the way. Unmistakable Punkrock that always sounds crisp like fresh from the baker. In this file you find their fourth EP plus the legendary 333 x Up & Down 7Inch from 1992, both released via the great Incognito Records label. Sound 'Made In Germany' that roars, sweaty concert-goers, 99% humidity and snapped guitar strings are trademarks for a typical Mädels No Mädels gig. It's no exaggeration to say that the band brings fun into your life with their refreshing, carefree music that takes you back to life and leaves everyday life where it belongs. Also represented on numerous CompisMusicians on these two singles are Oli (vocals/guitar), Johnny (guitars), Jenz (bass) and Hari (drums) and their debut Doggie Style comes soon. Until then, let yourself be intoxicated by their driving music, buy their records (if available) and enjoy spring. Cheers!


  1. THANK YOU!!! You're amazing! I appreciate you sharing this outstanding treasure! They were an awesome live band and, like you already said, they play really honest PUNK!!! I hope one day you (or one of your blog followers) will also find the Durchdrehn 7" and the 1st album, Doggie Style! In the meantime, I thank you for this excellent release!

  2. Vielen Dank. Suche schon seit langem alle Mädels Alben! Hoffentlich hast du noch mehr von denen.

    1. das kann ich dir versprechen, bißchen Geduld 👾

  3. Link gone 😞

  4. Haste noch mehr von den schwäbischen Punkern? Die Platte ist genial! Die ham vor langer Zeit mal bei uns in Mainz gespielt. Hatte damals die Durchdrehn Single gekauft!
