Friday, September 04, 2020


Bizarre Leidenschaft was founded 1982 in Hanover by Horst Illing, ex-Rotzkotz member and this is their only album on GeeBeeDee. The band consisted of Horst (vocals/guitars), Gregor (synth/vocals), Mulle (synth) and Marcus (drums). Geheimnis is a nice melodic synth pop album with hearty New Wave influences and lyrically not uninteresting. After the arguments about the further direction of Rotzkotz, attempts were made to gain a foothold in the music scene of that time, but unfortunately they didn't earned positive feedbacks and so the band split up soon without further ado. When I heard the record for the first time I was skeptical, not every song ignites, but after listening to it several times I would consider it as good ('Oho' is by far the worst song, an eighties dance poor copy, cruel)I wouldn't call them NDW, it's too special for that in my opinion. At this point loving greetings to Rio!

1 comment:

  1. Bizarre Leidenschaft - Geheimnis long lost song refound on my new fb search function: "WhyDoThingsHaveToChange" greets of Camden UTC
