Friday, July 19, 2019


In these dull days, the new fantastic album of Fliehende Stürme (Neun Leben) has been released and I post 'Fallen' because the band has suffered a lot of emotional losses like me and I think this album fits and illustrates my current feelings. Short useless info: Fliehende Stürme is a German punk band which emerged from the Stuttgart hardcore punk band Chaos Z (exists from 1980-1983). This name change was made because the band wrote new songs in a different style, more melancholic and gloomy, away from hardcore sound. Fallen is the third album and shortly after the completion Thomas Löhr died. "From defiance, and also to carry on somehow", so Andreas Löhr, he finished the LP and it has become one of the best in my opinion. A lot of memories come on there when I listen to this record; lost love, drunkexcess, rage, etc.. the perfect sound for all these things. The entire songs come not whining therefore, quite the contrary, most songs are characterized by anger and aggressiveness and lyrically of course again very emotional and personal to the point. The perfect interplay of lyrics, melody and atmosphere makes this band and this record so unique. Enjoy Life and the upcoming weekend.


  1. I'm glad you're back, keep the flame on!

    1. Absolutely my friend, slowly but I'm burning through!

  2. This is a good album! Thanks as always for introducing me to so many bands i would never have heard without your blog. On behalf of all the ignorant Americans in the audience who only speak English, could i humbly request that when you post German music you offer an English translation of the band name? I know i'll never be able to fully understand the lyrics, but it's always cool to know a band's name means. Cheers, and keep carrying on!

    1. the band's name in Ebglish is Fleeing storms

  3. Hi there,

    i stumbled upon this blog and thought you guys could perhaps help me..

    I am part of a small internet community which is desperately searching for any information about the following song:

    at the moment we don't have any information (band, title etc.) about it.
    Allegedly it was recorded in the early 80's by a german band but we don't know if this is true.

    Have you ever heard this song or do you have any idea where we could find answers?
    Any small bit of information could help!

    Thanks in advance and sorry to bother you.

    1. never heard this and I have no idea which band it is
