Friday, August 14, 2015

HOTEL MORPHILA ORCHESTER - Dead In The Head 7'' 1982

Hotel Morphila Orchester from Vienna was a 1978 born musicproject by the university professor and multimedia artist Peter Weibel. The other core members of the project where the artist Loys Egg and the musician Paul Braunsteiner, known from the legendary 60s & 70s "proto punk band" Novak's Kapelle. Further musicians where Franz Machek and Wolfgang Steiner. "In Vienna it was an ancient practice, that every hotel or cafe had its own orchestra. Since this practice doesn't exist anymore, we are named after a hotel that doesn't exist too." (digest of a press release by Peter Weibel). In 1981 they recorded their first 7'' Dead In The Head for Extraplatte, which is a good example for "punk meets art". Great two catchy punk songs and the lyrics are very provocative & honest and for me this band is one of the best Punkband from Austria.


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