I don't think this excellent release in form of a double record set can be more topical, and as we all have to realize, mankind hasn't gotten any wiser even after almost forty years. There is always some aggressor somewhere who expresses its sick ideology with lies and blind helpers and it is appalling that no diplomacy, no system, and no sensible compromise can prevent a violent confrontation. Pathetic, disappointing & lifeless all the pursuit of power and heroism. About the record: "This massive international Hardcore/Punk compilation features fifty-five bands/songs and was organized and released by the infamous MDC on the band's own label R Radical Records. The worldwide hardcore scene was at its peak at this point, still underground enough to repel corrupting outside influences like major labels and heavy metal, but already hardened into a rigid aesthetic and political dogma that often encouraged groupthink and musical conformity. P.E.A.C.E. documents the state of "Reagan-era" Hardcore, just before the popularity of extreme music spread through decidedly non-radical camps and into the mainstream. Among the fifty-five bands on board are well-known plus the best tracks by courtesy of obscure groups of the local scenes from Argentina, South Africa to Japan. Most of the bands included retain, either through design or some bizarre quirk of ineptitude, a stamp of individuality on their sound that makes this an entertaining collection.
An extensive booklet insert is packed with political rants, cartoons, and suggestions for further reading, making explicit the double-LP's theme of activism and action against a corrupt authority. Plus, each band is provided with a full page to express their ideas (and plug their wares) with printed lyrics and crudely effective collage art. Reissued on CD in 1997 by New Red Archives with bonus cuts." (Fred Beldin) - A real highlight of an international gathering that shows how it can work.
1.Up Against A Wall - ARTICLES OF FAITH
2.Endless Blockades For The Pussy Footer - G.I.S.M.
3.Ashes To Ashes - NEON CHRIST
4.Schlueters Kabinet - KALASHNIKOV
5.Time Will Tell - CAUSE FOR ALARM
7.Honour's Calling - UNWARRANTED TRUST
8.Finirà Mai? - WRETCHED
9.Drop The A-Bomb On Me - O.D.F.X
10.Here Come The Cops - THE AFFLICTED
11.Inutile Trionfo - DECLINO
12.Hope You Get Drafted - THE DICKS
13.Arms Race - B.G.K.
14.It's You - CRASS
15.Swastika Ratss - UPRIGHT CITIZENS
16.Banana Split Republic - FALSE PROPHETS
17.Nuclear Attack - MOB 47
18.Face Down In The Dirt - OFFENDERS
20.So Much Hate - S.C.U.M.
21.Viejos Pateticos - LOS VIOLADORES
22.Sometimes - DEADLOCK
23.Will It Ever End? - P.P.G.
24.Peace Of What? - TRASH
25.Police Brutality - VICIOUS CIRCLE
26.Gartlands Pit - CONDEMNED TO DEATH
27.Non Mi Dire - NEGAZIONE
28.America The Beautiful - D.O.A.
29.Snap - D.R.I.
30.Jump Back - PORNO PATROL
31.Drop Out - TREASON
32.Abortos - SHIT S.A.
33.Silence - SEPTIC DEATH
34.Life Of Punishment - C.C.M.
36.An Uneasy Peace - THE PROLETARIAT
37.From Protest To Resistance - CONFLICT
38.Battlefield (Nightmare) - ICONOCLAST
39.Pay For Shit - PANDEMONIUM
40.Kinky Sex Makes The World Go 'Rround - DEAD KENNEDYS
41.Skorbut - BOSKOPS
43.Peace Officer - WHITE LIE
44.R.A.T./Pentagone - WARGASM
45.Four More Hours - SLAUGHTERHOUSE 4
46.Finale - THE EXECUTE
47.Reagan Youth - REAGAN YOUTH
48.The Man Goes On - IMPACT
49.100 Million People Dead - BUTTHOLE SURFERS
50.Ataque - KANGRENA
52.No Mercy No War - BARELY HUMAN
53.Contro La Pace Contro La Guerra - R.A.F. PUNK
54.Moment By Moment/Exiled Shadows - ZENZILE
55.Missile Destroyed Civilization - MDC