Wednesday, November 01, 2023

ADMIT YOU'RE SHIT - Expect No Mercy.... If You Cross Your Real Friends EP 1985

Debut record by this four piece from London and Admit You're Shit consisted of John (vocals), Jom (guitars), Sean (bass), Rim (drums). Founded in 1984, they managed to made two releases during their short existence, this EP and an album (12Inches Of A.Y.S. Are You Sure?) in 1986. Both records were released via the Conflict label Mortarhate Records and received a lot of positive response by the consumers. They often shared the stage with the Anarcho mates but mostly stayed away from political topics. Six short smasher on this goodie plus a cool Minor Threat cover and an explosive short start to the grayest month of the year and highly listenable. In 2004, Mortarhate Records reissued both of the band's releases on one CD called "Someplace Special" with seventeen standout blasts. Enjoy!

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