Saturday, February 18, 2023

V/A - This Is Mod Vol.1 (Rarities 1979-1981)

Let's round off the small mod phase on wdthtc with the following compilation called This Is Mod, a small series by Anagram Records and a total of six CD's were created in the mid Nineties. The focus is on rare 7Inches, mostly by English bands, which only made it to this format and very sought nowadays. The British mod revival may have been a fad, driven by fashion and most of the time too derivative, but it did produce some cool singles. Musically they move in a decent PowerPop area with smart clothes and the artwork is also impressive, plenty of infos about each band. Consistently interesting and the last post for today, Bundesliga is waiting, Cheers!

1.Opening Up - THE CIRCLES
3.Can We Go Dancing - THE AMBER SQUAD
4.You Should See What I Do To You In My Dreams - THE AMBER SQUAD
5.Can't Sleep At Night - THE CIGARETTES
6.It's The Only Way To Live - THE CIGARETTES
7.Choose You - DEAD BEATS
8.Julie's New Boyfriend - DEAD BEATS
10.Nobody Loves Me - THE LETTERS
11.Don't Want You Back - THE LETTERS
12.Happy Song - THE NIPS
13.Nobody To Love - THE NIPS
14.Saturday Night - THE ODDS
15.Not Another Love Song - THE ODDS
16.Circles - THE CIRCLES
17.Summer Nights - THE CIRCLES
18.They're Back Again - THE CIGARETTES
19.I've Forgot My Number - THE CIGARETTES
20.All I Want Is Your Money - THE CIGARETTES
21.I've Got Me Parka - THE SUSSED


  1. Punk pop in suits, pity no Purple Hearts, ParkaPunk at its best.

  2. this is finest Powerpop stuff by great UK bands and this series is another Highlight next Bloodstains, KBS, etc..... hope for more đź‘€

  3. Please bring more from the old Mod-Bands. It was a great Movement with real authentic Attitude und Power. It's difficult to find more Bands than the famous like "The Who" und just such Bands. Sorry for my bad English - I hope, I brought over what i mean!
