Tuesday, August 31, 2021

THE STRANGLERS - The Great Lost Stranglers Album 1983

Fresh on the table and an excellent August finish with a real rarity and this interesting piece of vinyl is a Japan only compilation of non-album tracks, released via Liberty, by the Stranglers. Fourteen songs that underline their versatility, sometimes punk, sometimes poppy, but always unmistakably their sound with which they have earned a positive reputation worldwide and always remained true to themselves. Although they rose to fame during the initial explosion of UK punk, the Stranglers always stood apart from the other bands from the class of 1977. They had been together before punk became the "next big thing", and while they had a great talent for being suitably rude and transgressive, their music didn't sound or feel much like the fast-loud guitar-based fury of the well-known bands at that time. The Stranglers from Guildford are an integral part of the scene and belong in every well-stocked record collection and this slab is definitely one of them, even if difficult to obtain.

- Great Thx to Reinhard -


  1. Looks like there was a "sequel" to this collection:


    1. Looks like it, maybe it will roll herein :)

  2. Thanx . Never heard before ...

  3. A favorite musical delicacy of mine - thank you very much...

  4. Yes, there was a volume 2. But there was also a 3rd release called "Famous numbers" which was a sort of "Best of the Stranglers" too. This was released shortly after GLSA v2.
