Saturday, January 30, 2021

DIE PILGERVÄTER - Sind Im Garten... 1989

I would certainly haven't met this band and the Pilgerväter are certainly no amateurs and their only record proves that impressively. The story began circa thirty years ago; I did my community service in a shitty youth hostel in Lüneburg as a cheap work slave. I can tell ya, such an institution requires lots of fucking work. We were four hookers and one was on my wavelength and we became friends. Then he came up with this record and we listened to the sounds, at first I thought of funpunk or such uninteresting stuff, but the opposite is the case. Really powerful songs (including two well-known cover versions), perfect production, sexy cover and great lyrics, which the singer brings across with his distinctive voice. I asked him to tape the slab for me (JaJa, back then it was still a way to swap music). After this good time we lost sight of each other because he lives near Hamburg. Once we met again, my girlfriend at the time lived there and I spent almost three years in the hanseatic city. Somehow he was in movies as statist and was aiming for a film career, I don't know if that worked out, I had no ambitions, did retraining and scratched somehow the dough for the rent together. Today I haven't been to Hamburg for a long time, unfortunately. I had a lot of nice experiences there, now only memories. - A few facts: Die Pilgerväter were from Nienburg/Weser, Lower Saxony, and founded in Autumn 1985 by Germar (vocals/guitar), Norwin (guitar), Carsten (bass) and Andreas (drums). After some drummer changes Sven joins the band in 1987. They record their self produced album "Sind im Garten..." in 1989 at the Pepermint Park Studios in Hannover. The band split in 1990. Prost and kind regards to Jan 🍻

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