Tuesday, March 24, 2020

V/A - It Happened... But Nobody Noticed 1982

Not another Australian compilation (here the copybecause of the title, this is the original on Gustav Records and a few liner notes about this great record: "It Happened But Nobody Noticed is a compilation of recordings from 1978-82 of Southern Connecticut Bands. For many of these groups  this is their first appearance on vinyl, for many their last. These selections contained herein typify the diverse and abundant talent that exists in this area. Some of these artists have recordings available besides their contributions to this record and where possible we have noted them. So this is it, our contribution to indepentent American music history, chronicling a short span of time when 'new music' really was new and fans crammed the clubs as young men and woman played from their heart, almost always coming away with their pockets empty but their minds are souls sated. There were, and are, many more deserving groups not represented here, due more to financial reasons on our and their parts than ability or vision. Thank you for the existence of all this!" - Rare stuff I would say and exclusively in this theatre!

1.Pop Party - POODLE BOYS
2.Subdued - SUBDUEDS
3.Talkin 'Bout You - SCOUT HOUSE
4.From The Inside - HOT BODIES  
5.Hey, Joni - THE FURORS
6.Muckraker - SAUCERS
7.That's Life - THE SNOTZ
8.Dear Abby - TV NEATS
10.Funeral Row - TROUPE DI COUPE
11.Same Old Shit - NO MUSIC
12.Do The Right Thing - OCTOBER DAYS
13.Living In Alaska - THE BATS


  1. Kuhl, danke - hab ick schon länger gesucht! ;o)

    1. Perfekt, Geschenke im März.. und bleib zu Hause.... hehe

  2. thanks, i added you also.
