Friday, June 21, 2019

REALLY RED - Teaching You The Fear 1981

Great early Texas Punk from Really Red: U-Ron (vocals), Kelly (guitars), John (bass) and Robert (drums), a band whose sound changed with every release. They managed to be political without being heavy-handed or tiresome. For those unfamiliar with these fellers, here's some background. First of all, the name and what it means according to different band members... (full bio on breakmyface) - They existed from 1978 until 1985 and released two albums and several 7Inches on their own C.I.A. Records. Review: "Really Red's first LP is utterly mind blowing from start to finish. Their songs follow no convention, boiling in the same musical melting pot where the Minutemen and early Wire swam. The vocals often call to mind D. Boon, who also could convey fierce emotion whether he was singing or shouting, joking or railing... The title track, with its menacingly anxious bass line and shakily spoken lyrics "Take one chicano with his hands cuffed behind his back" is one of the most haunting political punk songs ever written. When it explodes into the chorus and Ronnie spits out "Teaching You The Feeee-aaaar! It really is a revelation.. This is what pop music will sound like after the revolution." - So, find them on these compilations, fast and short... now I have to go to a wedding party, cheerio!

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