Tuesday, December 11, 2018

A FLOCK OF SEAGULLS - The Story Of A Young Heart 1984

The third and last good album by this four piece Liverpool Wavers and for me a significant increase to ListenIt was their last album until 2018's Ascension to feature the best known line-up of the band, as guitarist Paul Reynolds left shortly after the album, 'The More You Live, The More You Love' was released as lead single, despite heavy rotation on MTV and other music video shows at that time, the single was only moderately successful, but the album's other two singles – 'Never Again (The Dancer)' and 'Remember David' (released only in a few European countries and a brilliant shot) – did not make any headway. Faced with sliding sales and a loss of direction, the band continued to consider their options whilst touring. The B Side is clearly the winner for me and proves their musical diversity. A Flock Of Seagulls is always a welcome guest in my house.


  1. I bought this album (okay, cassette, actually) the week before I started my first year of college, in August of 1984, so it is burned into my DNA as an important musical and cultural event. I proceeded to wear out my tape over the following two semesters. "The More You Live" is still one of my favorite songs ever.

  2. eine Band die mich damals in den 80zigern über die beschissenen Schulzeit brachte. Die erste hat mir damals ein Kumpel auf Tape aufgenommen und die lief rauf und runter. Leider finde ich dies nicht mehr und ärger mich drüber, doch Dank dir habe ich jetzt alle drei wieder. AFOS sind eine Ausnahmeband englischer PopWave Kultur und damals gabs für mich nur diesen Sound aus Engeland. Vielleicht hast du noch mehr solcher Schätze, Awesome!

