Friday, September 08, 2023

MÄDELS NO MÄDELS - Doggie Style 1992

The long wait is over today, here it is finally: the debut album by the Sindelfingen Mädels No Mädels on Bellaforte Records with seventeen variable songs. You immediately notice the carefree nature of the three, because the good mood and humor that they convey in their songs is extremely contagious. In addition, the fantastic artwork means the record won't stay on the shelf for long. Drummer Johnny describes their music: "Our unmistakable Punkrock sounds as casual as a spaceship falling into a lipstick factory." Sounds interesting? Then convince yourself and listen to it and if you like, check their other stuff in this theatre. So, the vacation is slowly approaching and I still have a few things to do. Have a good weekend with the Mädels and do something nice. Cheers!


  1. Thank you! Danke! Merci! You are the best! They were as legendary as WIZO in the Sindelfingen/Böblingen area, both of them playing little gigs almost every weekend! The Mädels used to play Jägermeister (last track on this record) and pass out little Jägermeister bottles to the audience! And their cover of "I Shot The Sheriff" could've easily been mistaken for Stiff Little Fingers!

  2. Supi! Die Platte such ich schon lange, auch alles andere von den Mädels aus dem Schwabenland. Die ham auch bei uns in Bonn gespielt! Genial!

  3. War mir jezt nicht bekannt, aber hab se wegen der Beschreibung runtergeladen. Sehr interessante Scheibe! Sehr abwechslungsreich. Hoffentlich kommt noch mehr von denen. _\m/

    1. Das ist leider alles was ich habe.

    2. Hat jemand noch mehr von dieser Kombo gefunden? Ich hab noch ne Single auf Vimeo gefunden, ist aber auch schon wieder weg. Die ist aber genial: Durchdrehnädels-Durchdrehn

    3. Ich hatte die Single, hab se aber verloren. Tut mir leid. Die tatsächlich genial. Zu der Zeit hiess die Grupp enoch "Mädels no Mädels". Würde mich auch freun wenn se jemand hochladen könnte.

  4. Blimey, I'm blinded by the cover! These colors are insane, but I can't stop staring at the cover. And I can't believe this is a GERMAN band. The singer sounds like he at least lived for a while in my hometown on the outskirts of London! That being said, this is a fantastic record! Thanks for the great tip, mate. I own a small record store, so I will see if I can order 10 copies, as I know my customers will dig this!

    1. I'm glad to made you happy with this, and throw the record among the English people, I share your opinion, they'll love it. Cheers!

    2. Same for us here in Scotland! Me and my lads here have always loved German Punk. It tends to be more honest and raw! Unfortunately, we never got to see any of them live. But I agree that this band is outstanding! Thank you for introducing Madels to the rest of the world! Like the other people here, I hope you share more by them (I found 2 other releases on your blog). A lot of my mates here follow your blog! Keep up the great work!

  5. Same here in Scotland! Me and my lads here love German Punk. It tends to be more honest and raw. Unfortunately, we never got to see any of them live here. We've been following your blog for quite some time and often play the music from your site over some pints of beer. Thank you for introducing us to another high-calibre band, the Madels! I found 2 more releases by them on your blog, but hope that you will share more soon (after you enjoy your vacation)! Keep up the great work!

  6. Super Platte. Immer schön was neues zu entdecken, v.a. wenn man es nicht erwartet. Hab nur wegen dem grellen Cover reingeschaut und gesehn, dass es viele positive Kommentare gab – und ich muss zugeben: es ist wirklich gut! So mag ich meinen Punk! Danke dir! ~Markus (aus Mainz)

  7. good stuff! thanx for sharing another soon-to-be classic! Can't believe this is from 1992! Sounds like something that could be released now!

  8. Ja, genial! Dieser Sound erinnert tatsächlich an die guten alten Zeiten! Schön, dass es im Süden auch gute Pank Mucke gab!

  9. Supi!! Die kenn ich! Des hätt' ich jetzt wirklich nicht erwartet, freu mich aber immer wenn ich wiedermal so nen Klassiker finde. Wir sind früher öters mal mit der S-Bahn nach Böblingen gefahren. War ne gute Szene. Aber ausser Wizo hat's wohl keiner aus dem Kreis geschafft 'n bisschen bekannter zu werden. Schade. Gut, dass es WDTHTC gibt! Weiter so!

  10. Amazing! Thanks for this oldschool punk classic. I only checked it out because of the fun cover, and it's great. Greetings from San Francisco!

  11. been following your blog for a very long time. This might be the first time I've seen this many comments on a record. They must've been pretty big in Germany. Or maybe it's the insane cover! Either way, I gave it a listen and it's as good as everyone claims. Exactly the way I like my Punk: Snotty and raw! Thanks a lot!

  12. Nochmal Geil! Nochmals Danke!! Deutscher Punk ist halt das Beste!

  13. Haste vielleicht noch mehr von der Combo. Die hatte ich mal auf nem Festival gesehn aber ganz aus den Augen verloren. Sehr gute Mucke! Dankeee!

  14. Hats off! Great street punk! You say this is from 1992?!? Sounds like it was released yesterday! Share more of their stuff if you have it.

  15. This is great! Thank you! German Punk rules!

  16. Man, please try to find more stuff by them. Been listening to them non-stop over the past month and many of my friends ask me who it is! They can't believe it's a band from decades ago ... let alone from Germany!

  17. Man, this has been in my "wish list" for so many years! Thank you very much, mate! I hope you dig up more releases by them.

  18. Could you please fix the link. Thx
